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Decolonizing Jungian Psychology

March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, 2023

4 Live Classes | Offered Live via Zoom

Program Description

What you will receive:

  • 4 Live Webinar Sessions with Q & A
  • 4 Links to the Recordings

Course Description

This course is designed to offer the participants an overview of C. G. Jung’s thoughts while exploring what I call a “decolonial option” to his work. It is in a sense a form of epistemological resistance to the colonialist and imperialist aims that prevent underrepresented minorities from flourishing in the academic community. This course aims to offer a decolonial option to the traditional view of Jungian Studies. A decolonial option means to challenge the Eurocentric view of the psyche presented in Jung’s Collected Works by offering a novel interpretation of his theories through the concept of archetypal intersubjectivity, indigenous mythology, and dream analysis based on diatopic hermeneutics. There would be no need for a decolonial approach to Jungian studies if those concepts were delinked from the concept of modernity/coloniality. Jung’s definition of the psyche is in tune with the Western view of the world, which considers modern thought as the leading epistemological force in psychology and other social sciences.

This course is ideal for:

  • Graduate students and professionals interested in Jungian and post-Colonial studies.

Course Overview:

Week 1, March 8, 2023 – Decolonizing C. G. Jung: Introduction

  • A critical view and a decolonial option to the main topics in Complex Psychology (Jungian Studies) focusing on the concepts of (a) archetypes, (b) complexes, (d) unconscious, collective unconscious, (e) a working definition of consciousness, (f) myths, (g) dreams as personal myths.

Suggested reading:

Fanon, F. (1967). Black skin, white masks. Grove Press.

Jung, C. G. (1953). The collected works of C. G. Jung: Two essays     on analytical psychology  (2nd ed., Vol. 7). Bollingen Series XX. Princeton University Press.

Freud, S. (2005). The unconscious (G. Franklin, Trans.). Penguin Books. (Original work published 1915)

López-Pedraza, R. (2012). Cultural anxiety. Daimon Verlag.

Week 2, March 15, 2023 – A Decolonial Option to Jungian Studies: Amazonian Mythology

  • Discussion on the concepts of modernity, coloniality, universality, pluriversality, archetype of the Great Mother/La Pachamama/ Yusha Kuru in Amazonian Mythology.

Suggested reading:

Armbrust, H.Y. (2022): What is a Decolonial Option to Jungian Studies?

Armbrust, H. Y. (2020): Archetypal Feminine in Kaxinawá’s Stories: A Decolonizing Option to a Jungian Approach

Mignolo, W., & Wash, C. (2018). On decoloniality: Concepts, analytics, praxis. Duke University Press.

Week 3, March 22, 2023 – A Decolonial Option to Jungian Studies: Archetypal Intersubjectivity

  • Discussion on the concepts of archetypal intersubjectivity, dreams as personal myths

Suggested reading:

Armbrust, H.Y. (2020): Archetypal Intersubjectivity

Jung, C. G. (2009). The red book: Liber Novus (S. Shamdasani, Ed.). W.W. Norton & Company.

Week 4, March 29, 2023 – A Decolonial Option to Jungian Studies: Dream Analysis

  • A Decolonial Option to Dream Analysis: Diatopic Hermeneutics, Dream Analysis Protocol, Practice.

Suggested reading:

Armbrust, H. Y. (2022): Decolonizing Dream Analysis in Complex Psychology (Jungian Studies)

Program Details


March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, 2023
5:00 – 6:30 PM PDT


  • $185 General Rate
  • $150 Pacifica Alumni, Full Time Students, & Senior Rate
  • $125 Pacifica Student Rate

Program link will be sent out prior to the event. For those unable to attend live, the presentation will be recorded and the link shared after the event.

About the Teacher

Hannah ArmbrustHannah Armbrust, Ph. D., is a psychotherapist in a private practice, a fellow faculty at the Jung Center of Houston, and a former professor at the Rondonia Federal Institute of Technology (IFRO), and at the Federal University of Rondonia (UNIR). As a speaker for minority rights, Dr. Armbrust has presented at various conferences in the U.S., South America, and Europe. Hannah also has international experience working with unprivileged populations, and her integrative therapeutic approach includes neuroscience and depth psychology, and mindfulness-based techniques. During her free time, Hannah enjoys going for a walk, dancing, and drumming ancestral rhythms. Hannah’s research is focused on archetypal stories from Amazonian indigenous people and intersubjectivity.  Her interest includes postcolonial and decolonial studies applied to Complex psychology, non-Eurocentric feminism, and Ecopsychology. Dr. Armbrust lives in Bloomington, IN with her husband Martin.

General Information


Hosted Online


Cancellations 14 days or more prior to the program start date receive a 100% refund of program registrations. After 14 days, up to 7 days prior to the program start date, a 50% refund is available. For cancellations made less than 7 days of program start date, no refund is available.

For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.

Registration Details

March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, 2023

  • Number of Classes: 4 Classes
  • Class Length: 90 min.
  • Class Time: 5:00 – 6:30 PM PDT
  • Total Duration: 6 Hours