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Psychedelics and Individuation:
Conversations with Jungian Analysts

December 15th – 17th, 2023

Winter Conference | Hosted on campus

Program Description

A Joint IAAP and Pacifica Graduate Institute Conference

Winter Conference | Hosted on campus at Pacifica Graduate Institute, 801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA

Pacifica Graduate Institute and the IAAP invite you to join us for this historic conference exploring the place of psychedelics in the practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis. Psychedelics are increasingly being proposed for the treatment of a variety of psychological pathologies. However, guidelines for their use are not yet settled and their place in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis is unclear. This conference will bring together Jungian Analysts and scholars from around the world to engage in conversations on the possibilities, potential and cautionary considerations regarding the use of psychedelics in Jungian Psychoanalysis.

Panel discussions, keynotes and working groups featuring the contributing authors of the soon-to-be-released book, Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts, (Chiron, November 2023) will describe and explore the effects of psychedelics on such matters as the transference-countertransference, their place in the individuation process, and their effects on the psychoanalytic frame. We will discuss the issue of establishing the intention through Jungian concepts, the questions that related to the psychoanalytic frame in the setting and integrating the material that emerges during psychedelic sessions. The issues are many, such as the appropriate demands on the analyst, their effect on the ego-Self axis, and the clinical indications and counterindications for their use.

Attendees of the on-campus conference will receive a copy of the book, Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts, as part of their registration.

Portions of the conference presentations will be live-streamed. Please see the schedule below. (Book is not included in the live stream registration).

Conference Schedule

6:00 – 6:45 PM

Authors Wine & Cheese Reception

7:00 – 7:15 PM


Dr. Leonie Mattison, President/CEO, Pacifica Graduate Institute
Misser Berg, President, International Association of Analytical Psychology

Book Launch & Panel Intro.

Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts
(Chiron Publications) Edited by Leslie Stein and Lionel Corbett

Joe Cambray, Ph.D., IAAP, former President/CEO, Pacifica Graduate Institute

7:15 – 9:15 PM

Panel I: Introduction to Psychedelics in Jungian Thought

Lionel Corbett

The Current State of Psychedelics

Aurea Afonso M. Caetano
Presenting Remotely

Psychedelics: Another tool in analytical work?

Leslie Stein

Jungian Perspective on the First Principle of Psychedelic

Saturday, Dec. 16th

7:00 – 8:30 AM


9:00 – 10:30 AM

Panel II: Jungian Conflations

Murray Stein
Presenting Remotely

Ego Capacity and Psychedelic Experience

Felicia Matto-Shepard

Active Imagination, Psychedelics and the Numinous

James Fidelibus

The Nature of Numinosity in Psychedelics

10:45 – 12:15

Panel III: Jungian Analysis and the “Set”

Romano Madera
Presenting Remotely

The Importance of a Breakthrough

Nancy Furlotti

A Path to the Transcendent Function

Marcel v.d. Akker

The Search for Connection through Microdosing.

12:15 – 1:45 PM


1:45 – 3:15 PM

Panel IV: The “Setting” in Jungian Analysis

John White
Presenting Remotely

The Breadth of the Jungian Frame

Susan Williams

Sharing in the Field: The Art of Working Energetically with Psychedelics

3:30 – 5:00 PM

Panel V: Jungian Analysis and “Integration:” Cultural Lessons

Deborah Bryon

Andean Medicine and Individuation

Anna Luisa Teixeira de Menezes
Presenting Remotely

& Walter Boechat

Ayahuasca and the Unus Mundus

5:30 – 7:00 PM


7:30 – 9:00 PM

Movie – Descending the Mountain

Sunday Dec. 17th

7:00 – 8:30 AM


8:45 – 10:30 AM

Panel VI:  Analyst Training in Psychedelics

Miriam Stein, Anne Flynn

Training Programs for Analysts

Jerome Braun

Importance of the Analyst’s Expanded States

Linda Carter

Experience from Ketamine Use


End of Formal Conference

10: 45 – 11:00

Protocol Working Group for Jungian Analysts and Depth Psychotherapists

11:00 – 12:30

Break-out Groups Meetings

A-102 – 90 People: Indications/Contraindications with Lionel Corbett
A-101 – 40 People: Set with Leslie Stein
A-107 – 30 people: Integration with Susan Williams
A-140 – 50 people: Individuation with Walter Boechat
A-120 – 20 people: Frame Issue with Deborah Bryon

12:30 – 1:00

Break Out Groups Reporting Session

1:00 – 2:00


2:00 – 3:00

Synopsis of Recommendations


Close of Conference

**The Livestreamed presentations will be recorded for those unable to attend live on Zoom.**Scan the QR code to access our conference program.


Marcel van den Akker, PhD is a Jungian Analyst and registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Psychologist in private practice in The Netherlands. He is a former Graduate Analyst at the ISAP Zurich.  During the last couple of years he has been exploring the benefits of psilocybin use in his clinical work and for his personal process.


Walter Boechat, MD, PhD, is a graduate of the C. G. Jung Institute- Zurich (1979) Founding-member of Jungian Association of Brazil – (AJB- IAAP). Past Representative of AJB at the Executive Committee of IAAP from 2007 to 2013. Past IAAP Co- Regional Organizer (together with Misser Berg) for Latin America from 2011-2013. PhD at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Walter Boechat is part of the staff in charge of the Brazilian edition of the C. G. Jung Books: The Red Book and The Black Books, as the reviewer of the translation from the original German version to Portuguese. He published extensively in Brazil and abroad including: The Red Book of C. G. Jung: A Journey to Unknown Depths. (London: Karnac, 2017)


Jerome Braun is a bilingual, Spanish/English-speaking, Jungian analyst in private practice in Northern California. He trained and is certified by the C. G. Jung Institute in Kusnacht, Zurich, Switzerland and is an active member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). In 2019, Jerome completed his training at the California Institute of Integral Studies at the Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research. He is a certified psychedelic-assisted psychotherapist who specializes in pre- and post-psychedelic integration psychotherapy from a Jungian perspective. Also, Jerome has over 30 years of providing trauma treatment to adults with histories of incest and sexual abuse. Jerome serves on the Elder Council of the American Psychedelic Practitioners Association which is developing the Standards of Practice for psychedelic practitioners in the U.S. He has presented on Jungian psychology and psychedelic-assisted therapy in the U.S. and abroad. He contributed the chapter, Impact of Personal Psychedelic Experiences in Clinical Practice in the book edited by Tim Read and Maria Papaspyrou, Psychedelics & Psychotherapy: The Healing Potential of Expanded States. Since 2017, Jerome is in ongoing training with Indigenous Shipibo healers living in the Peruvian Amazon. In a cultural exchange with the Shipibo healers and their families, he is bridging Jungian psychology and treatments based on ancient Indigenous knowledge and traditions.


Deborah Bryon is a graduate of UCLA and received her doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the University of Denver, before becoming a diplomate Jungian analyst with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts. She is the author of two books and several articles on Andean medicine, the mesa, and Andean teachings in magazines and Jungian publications, and is a frequent lecturer in the analytic community. In addition to writing, teaching, and seeing clients in private practice, Deborah is a painter and member of Spark Gallery, Denver, Colorado.


Aurea Afonso M. Caetano is a psychologist and Jungian analyst in private practice in São Paulo, Brazil. She is an active member of the Brazilian Society of Analytical Psychology (SBrPA), working currently with the ‘Teaching Board’. While studying for her Master’s degree in clinical psychology at PUCSP, she conducted research into the practice of Jungian analysts in Brazil. For the last 10 years, with Dr. Teresa Cristina Machado, she has coordinated a study group exploring interconnections between psychiatry, neurosciences and analytical psychology. She has published several articles in this area, including in Junguiana, the SBrPA’s journal.


Linda Carter MSN, CS, IAAP is a nurse/Jungian analyst practicing in Carpinteria, California; graduate of Georgetown, Yale and the C. G. Jung Institute-Boston; JAP Book Review Editor, US Editor-in-Chief, Arts and Culture Editor; chair/founder, Art and Psyche Working Group, winner of two Gradiva Awards (NAAP); article “Amazing Grace” short-listed for Gradiva.


Dr Lionel Corbett trained in medicine and psychiatry in England and as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He is a professor of depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. He is the author of seven books: Psyche and the sacred: The religious function of the psycheThe sacred cauldron: Psychotherapy as a spiritual practice; The soul in anguish: Psychotherapeutic approaches to sufferingUnderstanding Evil: A guide for psychotherapists, and The God-image: From antiquity to Jung. He is the co-editor of four volumes of collected papers: Psyche’s Stories; Depth psychology, meditations in the field; Psychology at the threshold; and Jung and aging.


James A. Fidelibus, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in the State of Ohio and holds a diploma as a Jungian Analyst from the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago. In addition to psychology, his academic background includes training in philosophy and theology. He holds certificates from the Gottman Institute, the Ottawa Couple & Family Institute, and the Cleveland Center for Cognitive Therapy. Dr. Fidelibus has published articles on psychotherapy outcomes and has presented on Jungian psychology locally, nationally, and internationally. He maintains an active psychology practice in Columbus, Ohio.


Anne Flynn is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Sarasota, Florida. She is a graduate and member of the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association in New York and a member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. She completed Naropa University’s Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies Certificate and MDMA Training Program, which includes  an intensive training through the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).  She is a board certified art therapist and holds master degrees in Art Therapy and in Fine Arts-Painting.  She has a special interest in non-ordinary states of consciousness and has explored these through trainings in dreamwork, clinical hypnotherapy, Jungian sand tray, and extensive clinical supervision with Philip Bromberg exploring uncanny, dissociative and non-ordinary states in the consulting room. From an earlier iteration of her consciousness she holds a JD from Fordham University and worked in New York as an attorney in various capacities.


Nancy Swift Furlotti, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst living in Aspen, Colorado. She is a past president of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, where she trained, a founding member and past president of the Philemon Foundation, and is on the Mercurius Film Prize Committee. She is a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado and the Interregional Association of Jungian Analysts. She is on the boards of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara and the Smithsonian National Asian Museum. Dr. Swift Furlotti lectures internationally on Jungian topics such as dreams, mythology, trauma, the feminine, and the environment. Her company, Recollections, LLC, publishes early analysts’ unpublished material, such as the manuscripts of Erich Neumann. She has two forthcoming books, The Continuing Relevance of Erich Neumann: On God, Consciousness, and The Existence of Evil, and The Splendor of the Maya: A Journey into the Shadows at the Dawn of Creation.


Ana Luisa Teixeira de Menezes, PhD (AJB) Psychologist (UFC), PhD in Education and Post-Doctorate in Education (UFRGS). Professor at the Department of Psychology and at the Graduate Program in Education of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul. Vice-leader of the CNPQ research group Amerindian Education and cultural exchange (UFRGS/UNISC). CNPq productivity scholarship holder. Jungian Analyst (IJRS/IAAP).  Author of the book The Girl and the Jaguar: Indigenous Ancestral Voices and co-author of the book Amerindian Education: Dance and the Guarani School.


Romano Madera studied philosophy and graduated at the University of Milan (1971) and specialized in sociology at the School for Sociology in Milan (1971-1973). He is professor emeritus of Moral Philosophy and Philosophical Practices at the University of Milano- Bicocca. He is a member of AIPA and IAAP. He is the founder of Philo, School of Philosophical Practices and SABOF (Society for Biographic Analysis Philosophically Oriented). He is the author of La filosofia come stile di vita (2003) translated into English as Philosophy as Life Path. Introduction to Philosophical Practices (2007); Una filosofia per l’anima (2013) translated into English as Approaching the Navel of the Darkened Soul. Depht Psychology and Philosophical Practices (2013). With G. Cappelletty, Il caos del mondo e il caos degli affetti (2020), English edition: Into the Maelstrom: Toward a Theory of Crisis and Chaos (2022) and many other books and articles.


Felicia Matto-Shepard, M.S. is a Jungian Analyst, artist and a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco practicing in Petaluma, CA. She works at the threshold where nonverbal experience is transformed into image and language. She facilitates Alchemical Art workshops utilizing creative processes such as art making, ritual and movement. Felicia holds a Certificate in Psychedelic Therapies and Research from California Institute of Integral Studies and is trained in the use of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, as well as MDMA Assisted Therapy at MAPS. She is a clinician on the MAPS MDMA Expanded Access team at Temenos Center for Integrative Psychotherapy. Felicia is a past faculty member in the Depth Psychology Master’s Program at Sonoma State University and offers lectures, workshops and analytic training internationally.


Leslie Stein trained as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in New York and is in private practice in Sydney, Australia. Professor Stein’s books include Becoming Whole: Jung’s Equation for Realizing God (Helios); Working with Mystical Experiences in Psychoanalysis: Opening to the Numinous (Routledge); The Self in Jungian Psychology: Theory and Practice (Chiron) – winner of the IAJS Award for the best book on Jungian theory, 2022; The Journey of Adam Kadmon: A Novel (Arcade, New York), Editor, Eastern Practices and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts (Chiron);  and Editor with D. Rickles of Varieties of Nothingness (Chiron, forthcoming). He is also on the Board of Directors of the Philemon Foundation.


Miriam Stein, PhD is a Clinical Psychologist and Jungian analyst in private practice in Sydney. She is a graduate and member of the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association (JPA) in New York, and a member of ANZSJA and IAAP. Her practice as a clinical psychologist and analyst spans over 40 years. She has also provided training and seminars to psychologists seeking a depth approach to incorporating non-verbal methods of working at the threshold between conscious and unconscious experience and knowing in the service of individuation. She has published across these areas and provided clinical and academic supervision. Her earlier research and its application in the community by way of services and social action, was in relation to the experience of and adjustment to breast cancer. She was a lecturer at the University of Western Australia Psychiatry Department and Behavioural Science.


Murray Stein, Ph.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich (ISAP-ZURICH). He has been president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) (2001-2004) and President of ISAPZURICH (2009-2013) and lectures internationally. He is the author of Jung’s Map of the Soul, Outside Inside and All Around, The Mystery of Transformation and many other books and articles. Six volumes of his Collected Writings have been published to date. He lives in Switzerland and has a private practice in Zurich and online from his home in Goldiwil.


John R. White, PhD, LPC, is a Jungian psychoanalyst and mental health counselor in private practice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. He received his doctorate in philosophy in 1993 from The International Academy of Philosophy, in the Principality of Liechtenstein, an institution accredited through the Austrian university system. He received his diploma as a Jungian Psychoanalyst from the Interregional Society of Jungian Analysts in 2017. He is currently Coordinator of the C G Jung Institute Analyst Training Program of Pittsburgh and President Elect of the Board of the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Center.  He has more than forty published articles, book chapters, edited volumes, and book reviews in both philosophy and psychoanalysis and is author of the book Adaptation and Psychotherapy. Langs and Analytical Psychology, published by Rowman & Littlefield.


Susan Williams, MFT is an Adult and Child Jungian Analyst member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. She trained in London, England at the Association of Jungian Analysts. Susan worked for the United Kingdom National Health Service and had an adult and child private practice in London. Susan currently has a private practice in Berkeley, California where she sees adults, adolescents, and children of all ages.  She has extensive experience working with children with disabilities in hospitals, clinics and schools and has consulted to many Bay Area school programs for children with autistic spectrum disorders.  She has published and taught both in the UK and US on topics including the numinous, ‘The Unbearable Weight of Truth,’ expanded states of consciousness, psychedelic enhanced psychotherapy, aliveness and deadness, autism, and autistic states of mind. She has completed the MAPS MDMA Therapy Training Program and has trained in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy.  Susan organized a conference through the San Francisco Jung Institute in 2019 entitled: Encountering the Numinous: Depth Psychotherapy, Analysis and Psychedelics, looking at the role of Jungian and Depth psychotherapy in the current renaissance in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and research.

Program Details


December 15th – 17th, 2023

Winter Conference | Hosted on campus at Pacifica Graduate Institute, 801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA


  • $280 General Rate
  • $255 Pacifica Alumni, Full Time Students, & Senior Rate
  • $205 Pacifica Student Rate
  • $125 Live Stream (Panel Discussions only – live via Zoom, Book not included)
  • $30 Continuing Education Credit Fee (8 hours)
    **CECs are only available for in-person conference attendees.**

Program link will be sent out prior to the event. For those unable to attend live, the presentation will be recorded, and the link shared after the event.

Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) must attend all panel sessions in person, and sign in on the attendance sheet provided in order to receive CECs.

Registration includes:

  • Wine & Cheese Author’s Reception Friday Evening
  • All Conference Panel Discussions & Closing Session
  • Saturday Evening Film Viewing
  • Complimentary Copy of the Newly Released Book: Individuation and Psychedelics (Chiron 2023)

**On-campus meals on Saturday and Sunday are not included in the Conference Registration price, and need to be purchased separately.**

**Please note that a copy of the book Individuation and Psychedelics (Chiron 2023) is not included in the Live Stream registration option**

Meal Registration:

  • Meal Package: (5 Meals)
    Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner
    Sunday breakfast and lunch
    Cost: $150

Upon check-in on campus, you will receive your name badge with a sticker on it to indicate that you purchased meals. You will need to bring this name badge with you to the Dining Hall for every meal.

On-Campus Lodging Registration:

We invite you to stay on our beautiful Ladera Lane campus for the conference weekend. The lodging options and prices are listed below.

*Please note that lodging does not include meals, and if you are interested in dining on campus, a meal package must be purchased with your registration.*

Couple Room – Includes one standard full-size bed with a shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. $190/night.

Single Room (Second Floor, stairs only) – Includes one twin bed with a shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. No elevator access. $144/night

Double Room – Includes two twin beds and vanity with sink. Shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. $190/night

Semiprivate Suite Room – Includes one queen bed with a shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. $210/night

General Information


Hosted on campus at the Ladera Lane Barrett Center, 801 Ladera Ln, Santa Barbara, CA 93108


Cancellations 14 days or more prior to the program start date receive a 100% refund of program registrations. After 14 days, up to 7 days prior to the program start date, a 50% refund is available. For cancellations made less than 7 days of program start date, no refund is available.

Continuing Education Credit

This program meets qualifications for 8 hours of continuing education credit for Psychologists through the California Psychological Association (PAC014) Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Psychological Association to provide continuing education for psychologists.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.  Full attendance is required to receive a certificate.

This course meets the qualifications for 8 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (#60721) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.  Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.

For Registered Nurses through the California Board of Registered Nurses this conference meets qualifications of 8 hours of continuing education credit are available for RNs through the California Board of Registered Nurses (provider #CEP 7177).  Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.

Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for each program and its content.  Full day attendance is required to receive a certificate.

Continuing Education Goal.  Pacifica Graduate Institute is committed to offering continuing education courses to train LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs to treat any client in an ethically and clinically sound manner based upon current accepted standards of practice.  Course completion certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the training and upon participant’s submission of his or her completed evaluation.

CECs and Online Program Attendance: Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs)  must attend all live sessions in person and sign in on the provided form in order to receive CECs.

Continuing Education Credit Learning Objectives

Objective #1 – Lionel Corbett – Participants will be able to explain the philosophical implications of psychedelics.

Objective #2 – Lionel Corbett – Participants will be able to identify the therapeutic potential of the use of psychedelics.

Objective #3 – Aurea Afonso M. Caetano – Participants will be able to explain the importance of clinical technique as a framework and ethical container for the use of psychedelics in analytical psychology.

Objective #4 – Leslie Stein – Participants will be able to assess the universal orientation for a psychedelic experience.

Objective #5 – Leslie Stein – Participants will be able to identify uses of psychoanalysis theory for psychedelic assisted therapy.

Objective #6 – Murray Stein – Participants will be able to assess possible dangers of forcing entry into the unconscious using psychedelics.

Objective #7 – Murray Stein – Participants will be able to identify the obligations entailed by numinous experience.

Objective #8 – Felicia Matto-Shepard – Participants will evaluate the use of active imagination within a psychedelic psychotherapy session.

Objective #9 – James Fidelibus – Participants will assess the notion of “Spiritual bypass” and its relevance for integrative psychedelic psychotherapy.

Objective #10 – James Fidelibus – Participants will evaluate “panpsychism” as a central concept in the metaphysical nature of change in psychedelic psychotherapy.

Objective #11 – Romano Madera – Participants will be able to distinguish between automated experience and deautomatization practices and explain the contribution from altered states of consciousness including those that can be induced with a balanced and targeted use of LSD.

Objective #12 – Nancy Furlotti – Participants will identify the similarities between dreams, visions, and psychedelics, and distinguish how each is activated in the brain, and how each represents a symbolic experience emerging from the psyche that can be life changing.

Objective #13 – Nancy Furlotti – Participants will evaluate the importance of the transcendent function in psychological development and identify how psychedelics can aid in that transformative process if used with care, thoughtfulness, and knowing to whom it will be administered.

Objective #14 – Marcel v.d. Akker – Participants will evaluate if the analytical process can benefit from low dose psychedelics.

Objective #15 – John White – Participants will be able to explain the classical definition of the “therapeutic frame” and describe the principles upon which the therapeutic frame is defined.

Objective #16 – John White – Participants will evaluate why the classical definition of the therapeutic frame is inadequate for psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Objective #17 – Susan Williams – Participants will identify two findings from psychedelic assisted psychotherapy that can guide trauma treatment.

Objective #18 – Susan Williams – Participants will assess two features of working energetically with psychedelic medicines that can be integrated into Jungian analytic work.

Objective #19 – Deborah Bryon – Participants will be able to explain shamanic practices and the use of plant medicine of indigenous shamans in Peru.

Objective #20 – Deborah Bryon – Participants will evaluate the re-entry process and possible outcomes in a clinical setting after a session involving the use of psychedelics.

Objective #21 – Anna Luisa Teixeira de Menezes & Walter Boechat – Participants will be able to evaluate the intensification of the analyst-patient interaction and the activation of the healing field of analysis through the use of ayahuasca.

Objective #22 – Anna Luisa Teixeira de Menezes & Walter Boechat – Participants will be able to assess the process of the emergence of paintings and listening to indigenous ancestral voices during the use of ayahuasca.

Objective #23 – Miriam Stein, Anne Flynn – Participants will identify some of the key differences in orientation and practice between current Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAT) training programs and Jungian Analysis training.

Objective #24 – Miriam Stein, Anne Flynn – Participants will be able to distinguish key elements of a Jungian contribution in Psychedelic therapy training and practice which may offset common deficits among PAT training programs and practice.

Objective #25 – Jerome Braun – Participants will be able to explain the role of the therapist’s expanded states in the healing process of Jungian oriented psychedelic therapy and integration.

Objective #26 – Jerome Braun – Participants will identify the key Jungian concepts for understanding the psychedelic field.

Objective #27 – Linda Carter – Participants will identify the key Jungian concepts for understanding the psychedelic field.

Objective #28 – Linda Carter – Participants will be able to define the meaning of “durability” related to ketamine.

Objective #29 – Linda Carter – Participants will be able to list 3 ways that ketamine as a dissociative agent assists those struggling with dissociation.

Objective #30 – Linda Carter – Participants will be able to list 3 potential problems or side effects that may emerge with the use of ketamine.

Objective #31 – Linda Carter – Participants will be able to give an example of the state of mind when the DMN is in a resting state.

Objective #32 – Linda Carter – Participants will be able to give an example of the state of mind when the TPN is active.

Travel and Transportation Information

Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Ladera Lane Campus
801 Ladera Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108

Directions to the Ladera Lane Campus

Driving Directions From South

Hwy 101 North: Northbound through Carpinteria. Exit Evans Ave, Turn left onto Ortega Hill Rd, Turn Right onto Ortega Ridge Rd, Turn Right onto East Valley Rd, Turn Left onto Ladera Lane, Arrive 801 Ladera Lane.

Driving Directions From North

Hwy 101 South: Southbound, through Santa Barbara and Montecito. Exit 92 on the left –Sheffield Drive, Turn left towards Sheffield Drive, Turn Right ono North Jamison Lane, Turn Left onto Ortega Ridge Road, Turn Right onto East Valley Road, Turn Left onto Ladera Lane, Arrive 801 Ladera Lane.


Major airlines provide service into the Los Angeles International Airport located 90 miles south of Santa Barbara and into the Santa Barbara Municipal Airport, approximately 18 miles from the Campus. Additionally, there is an Amtrak Train Station located in downtown Santa Barbara, approximately 15 miles from the Best Western Carpinteria Inn and/or the Ladera Lane Campus. Uber/Lyft and taxi service is available from train station.

Transportation from Los Angeles Airport

The Los Angeles International Airport is approximately 90 miles from the Santa Barbara. Various car rental options available at LAX. Additionally, the Santa Barbara Airbus provides bus transfer service to both a Carpinteria drop-off location (Between Chase Bank & Union Bank at the Casitas Plaza Shopping Center – 1000 Casitas Pass Rd) as well as a Santa Barbara location (3845 State St., Santa Barbara 93105). A taxi service or Uber/Lyft can be taken from the Airbus drop-off locations to the Ladera Lane Campus or the Best Western Carpinteria. Reservations for the Airbus are strongly recommended, and rates will be discounted if reservations are made at least 48 hours in advance. For schedules and reservations, call the Santa Barbara Airbus at 805.964.7759 or 800.423.1618 or online at

Transportation from Santa Barbara Airport

The Santa Barbara Airport is approximately 20 miles from the Best Western Carpinteria Inn and/or the Ladera Lane Campus. Car rental services are available. Additionally, Lyft/Ubers are available as well as taxi service.­ The following cab companies often offer special rates if reservations are made well in advance and Pacifica is mentioned as your destination (via the Best Western or directly to the Ladera Lane campus):

  • Blue Dolphin (805.962.6886)
  • Rose Cab (805.564.2600)
  • Checker Cab Company (805.964.6666)
  • Fly by Night Taxi (805.745.8294)

Transportation from the Santa Barbara Train Station

There is an Amtrak Train Station located in downtown Santa Barbara, approximately 15 miles from the Best Western Carpinteria Inn and/or the Ladera Lane Campus. Uber/Lyft and taxi service is available from the companies listed above, again, often with special rates if reservations are made well in advance and Pacifica is mentioned as your destination.


Pacifica’s Ladera Lane Campus
801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108.

Housing accommodations can be reserved at the time of registration, or by contacting

A 14% Santa Barbara County Occupancy Tax is additionally added

Accommodations in the Residence Hall at Pacifica’s Ladera Lane Campus consist of standard, single rooms. These rooms include a full or twin-sized bed, sink, mirror, desk, chair, small desk fan, and alarm clock, as well as shelves and hangers for clothing.  All linens and towels are included. Our Residence Hall has shared men’s and women’s bathroom and shower facilities.  All shower stalls include bath mat and soap. We recommend that guests bring all of their own toiletries. Our recently renovated Semi-Suite rooms, located on the second floor of the Main Building, include a queen-sized bed with a shared bath and shower per every two rooms.

The Residence Hall has a Guest Lounge on the First Floor, complete with couches and a large screen TV. There is also a small kitchenette with refrigerator, water dispenser, and microwave.

Best Western Carpinteria Inn
4558 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria, CA 93013
(800) 528-1234

Shuttle service is provided between the Best Western in Carpinteria and the Ladera Lane campus.

Driving Directions From South to Best Western Carpinteria

Hwy 101 North:. When you reach Carpinteria, take the Santa Monica Rd exit and turn right at the stop sign. Turn right again at the corner of Santa Ynez and Via Real, go over the freeway bridge, and continue to the signal lights. The Inn will be on your left at the corner of Santa Ynez and Carpinteria Ave.

Driving Directions From North To Best Western Carpinteria

Hwy 101 South: Approximately 10 miles past Santa Barbara to the Reynolds Ave exit and continue to the stop sign. The Inn will be on your right at the corner of Carpinteria Ave and Santa Ynez Ave.

Pacifica Graduate Institute Transportation – Shuttles

Pacifica Shuttle 805-896-1887 or 805-896-1888

Pacifica Graduate Institute provides courtesy shuttles to campus visitors.The shuttle is available any time during business hours by calling and requesting a pick-up. The shuttle will be running the entirety of the conference weekend.

  • Pacifica Shuttle stops:
    • Ladera Campus (801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara)
    • Lambert Campus (249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria)
    • Best Western Plus Carpinteria Inn (4558 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria)
    • SB Airbus Carpinteria (5400 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria)
    • Carpinteria Amtrak Station (475 Linden Ave, Carpinteria)
  • Service is not available from the SB Airport in Goleta.


For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.

Registration Details

December 15th – 17th, 2023

In-person conference is SOLD OUT. You can still register for the Live Stream option below. Register

805.969.3626 |