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Journey Week

An Immersive Week of Learning and Connecting at Pacifica Graduate Institute

September 27 – October 1, 2023

Hosted at Pacifica’s Beautiful Ladera Lane Campus

801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108

In-person conference is SOLD OUT. You can still register for the Live Stream by clicking on the button below.

When Deep Calls to Deep:
Journeys of the Soul for a Culture in Crisis

Friday, September 29th – Sunday, October 1st, 2023


“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and waves have rolled over me.”
– Psalm 49:2


The challenges of our times are demanding more than just political reforms. They are compelling us towards journeys of the soul that will ask not only for great courage, but deep humility. Rather than the iconic Hero’s journey, the challenges of the 21st century seem to be asking for new mythologies of collective heroism, more diverse communities, new understandings of power and inclusive leadership, and organizational models that are more sustainable ecosystems than hierarchical power pyramids.

The goal of this conference is to offer you a space where we can come together as fellow travelers, for creative and soulful depth engagement with these themes, to listen to and learn from each other, to connect with nationally recognized leaders and learn from depth-oriented scholars and practitioners, to share our thoughts and our hearts, to appreciate our differences, and celebrate our achievements, to engage in dialogue and participate in deep reflection. We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful campus for this incredible weekend. We invite you to join us for the journey!

Download the Program Brochure

Connect with Nationally Recognized
Leaders, Scholars, and Authors

Thema Bryant
President American Psychological Association (APA)

Leonie H. Mattison
President/CEO, Pacifica Graduate Institute

Roland Palencia
Executive Producer, UNIDAD: Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos.

Susan Rowland
Author, Core Faculty PGI, 2023 C.G. Jung Award Recipient

Dick Russell
Award-winning Investigative Journalist, James Hillman, Soul in the World

Stay on the Cutting Edge of Practice and Theory

Camille Harris

Somatic-based Liberation and Healing Work with Children and Adolescents: Collaborations in Best Practices in the Consulting Room and the Commons

Emily Lord-Kambitsch

Mythic Meditation – Labyrinth Journey

Dylan Hoffman

Decolonizing Depth Psychology by Retrieving the Soul’s Indigenous Ways of Speaking

Jemma Elliott

Putting Down our Grain: Reflections on the Othering of the Mother

Minh Tran

Cultivating Psychological Belonging: A Psychocultural Approach

Janet Blaser

The Therapeutic Triad:  Creatively Reshaping Illness into Something Completely New

Andrea-Marie Stark

A Journey for Eco Allyship – A Somatic and Shamanic Exploration

Register for the Live Stream

In-person conference is SOLD OUT. You can still register for the Live Stream by clicking on the button below.

Engage and Dialogue with Contemporary Issues and the Latest in Depth Psychological Thinking and Practices

New Approaches in Depth Psychology

Neuroqueering Depth Psychology
Sara Raskin

Depth Psychology as Essential in Mental Health Crisis Work
Sarah Peters

Beyond Heroic Journeys

Emerging Mythologies of Feminine Heroism
Shari Tarbet

Voices of Jamaican Elders, the Symbiotic Relationship between the Environment and the Human and the Need for Connection
Dr. Winsome Alston

Soul in Communities, Organizations and Culture

Community and Creativity in Cultivating Kinship
Eduardo Viezca

Ontological Fractal Dialogues in Creating Psychologically Safe Environments
Cai Carvalhaes

Teen Mental Health

Mental Health Crisis Among Adolescents
James Smallwood

Social Media and Teen Mental Health
Dr. Gina Wind

Linking Youth to Elders and Mycorrhizal Networks
Cynthia Fredericksen

Explore All That Pacifica Has to Offer for Your Personal and Professional Journey!

At Pacifica, we recognize how important it is that the choices you make for your personal and professional development align with the journey your soul is leading you on. Don’t miss out on some of the exciting events we have planned if you are considering furthering your education and career at Pacifica.

  • Stories from the Journey Tour – Join PGI Admissions and Events Coordinator, Corion Douver, as he leads you on a tour of the campus that includes rarely told stories of world renowned scholars like James Hillman, Marion Woodman and more who walked the same grounds and are a rich part of the depth psychological tapestry that is Pacifica.

  • Landshark Tour– Imagine cruising the streets of Santa Barbara in the amphibious vehicle, known as the Landshark! Experience the best of both worlds as you explore the city’s charming streets before seamlessly transitioning into an aquatic adventure in the harbor. Witness breathtaking views of the coastline and the Santa Ynez Mountains, all while learning about the city’s history, culture, and hidden gems from our knowledgeable guides! Pre-registration required.

  • Late Night Movie Mixer – Feel free to show up in your favorite sweats, fuzzy socks, whatever is comfortable, grab a bag of popcorn and settle in for some fun entertainment and conversations with fellow journeyers as you unwind from a day full of incredible learning sessions.

  • Prospective Student Pizza and Psyche Lunch – Get all of your questions answered from our amazing Admissions Team and enjoy complimentary pizza. This session is an opportunity to connect with others on a similar journey of exploring the one of a kind transformational education that Pacifica has to offer.

Weekend Conference Schedule

Friday, September 29th, 2023

10:00 – 12:30 PM – Landshark Tour –Arrive by 9:00 AM for shuttle service to location.  Pre-registration required.

Noon – 5:00 PM – Check-in

1:00 – 3:00 PM – Prospective Students Welcome Reception and PGI Stories from the Journey Tour

5:30 – 6:30 PM – Wine & Cheese Reception – East Lawn

7:00 – 9:30 PM – Archetypal Theater – Dr. Jaiya John – Livestreamed

Awakening the Collective Soul: A Depth Psychological Role in Healing the World – Barrett Center

Saturday, September 30th, 2023

7:00 – 8:30 AM – Breakfast

8:45– 10:00 AM – General Session – Dr. Susan Rowland – Depth Psychology and Transdisciplinarity: Creativity for our Crisis – Livestreamed – Barrett Center

10:15 – 11:45 AM – Learning Sessions I

Film Screening & Discussion: A-102
UNIDAD: Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos/PBS Documentary with Executive Producer Roland Palencia

Interactive Learning Session: Language as Trauma, Language as Healing: Decolonizing Depth Psychology by Retrieving the Soul’s Indigenous Ways of Speaking– Dylan Hoffman – Livestreamed – Barrett Center

Panel Discussion: New Approaches in Depth Psychology A-140
Neuroqueering Depth Psychology – Sara Raskin
Depth Psychology as Essential in Mental Health Crisis Work – Sarah Peters

12:00 – 12:30 PM  Keynote Address with Dr. Thema Bryant, President, APA  – Livestreamed – Barrett Center

12:30 – 2:00 PM – Lunch

2:00 – 3:15 PM – Learning Sessions II

Immersive Learning Session: Somatic-based Liberation and Healing Work with Children and Adolescents: Collaborations in Best Practices in the Consulting Room and the Commons – Camille Harris – Livestreamed – Barrett Center

Panel Discussion: Beyond Heroic Journeys – A-140
Emerging Mythologies of Feminine Heroism – Shari Tarbet
Voices of Jamaican Elders, the Symbiotic Relationship between the Environment and the Human and the Need for Connection – Dr. Winsome Alston

2:00 – 3:15 PM – Learning Sessions II

Immersive Learning Session: The Therapeutic Triad: Creatively Reshaping Illness into Something Completely New – Janet Blaser – A-102

3:30 – 5:00 PM – Learning Sessions III

Immersive Learning Session: Cultivating Psychological Belonging: A Psychocultural Approach – Minh Tran – A-102

Immersive Learning Session: Putting Down our Grain: Reflections on the Othering of the Mother – Jemma Elliott – Livestreamed – Barrett Center

Panel Discussion: Soul in Communities, Organizations and Culture A-140
Community and Creativity in Cultivating Kinship – Eduardo Viezca
Ontological Fractal Dialogues in Creating Psychologically Safe Environments – Cai Carvalhaes

5:00 – 6:30 PM – Dinner – Dining Hall

7:00 – 8:30 PM – Author Salon – Barrett Center – Livestreamed

The Life and Ideas of James Hillman: Volume III: Soul in the World with award-winning author Dick Russell and PGI Faculty, Dr. Dylan Hoffman

8:45 – 10:00 PM – Movie – Barrett Center

Sunday, October 1st, 2023

7:00 – 8:30 AM – Breakfast

9:30 – 11:00 AM – Learning Sessions IV:

Workshop: Mythic Meditation – Labyrinth Journey
Dr. Emily Chow-Kambitsch – Livestreamed Barrett Center

Panel Discussion: Teen Mental Health A-140
Mental Health Crisis Among Adolescents – James Smallwood
Social Media and Teen Mental Health – Dr. Gina Wind
Linking Youth to Elders and Mycorrhizal Networks – Cynthia Fredericksen

Immersive Learning Session A Journey for Eco Allyship – A Somatic and Shamanic Exploration – Andrea-Marie Stark – A-102

Immersive Learning Session: The Archetypal Voice: Liberating the Voice, Liberating the SoulMarieke Cahill – A-101

11:00 – Noon – Dreaming the Dream Onward – Closing Ceremony

Dream Weaving Circles – Dr. Leonie H. Mattison – Livestreamed – Barrett Center

Noon – Prospective Students Pizza & Psyche Q & A – A-102

Register for the Live Stream

In-person conference is SOLD OUT. You can still register for the Live Stream by clicking on the button below.

Featured Presenters

Leonie H Mattison Dr. Leonie H. Mattison, Ed.D., the fourth president, and Chief Executive Officer of Pacifica Graduate Institute, ushers in a new chapter as the first black female to assume leadership of the 45-year-old institution. Formerly Chief Operating Officer of a community agency that provides education and support services for vulnerable Santa Barbara residents. She began her term on October 3, 2022. Other leadership positions include adjunct professor and lecturer at Antioch University and Santa Barbara City College School of Extended Learning and Chief of Organizational and Talent Development at the County of Santa Barbara, where she was instrumental in developing the Employees University, an open-source university created through a partnership between the county and Santa Barbara City College that has provided high-quality training and cutting-edge leadership development for over 4,700 county employees.

Bayo AkomolafeBayo Akomolafe, Ph.D., is the Chief Curator of The Emergence Network, a speaker, author, fugitive neo-materialist com-post-activist public intellectual and Yoruba poet. But when he takes himself less seriously, he is a father to Alethea and Kyah, and the grateful life-partner to Ej as well as the sworn washer of nightly archives of dishes. Bayo was born in 1983 into a Christian home, and to Yoruba parents in western Nigeria. Losing his diplomat father to a sudden heart complication, Bayo became a reclusive teenager, seeking to get to the “heart of the matter” as a response to his painful loss. After meeting with traditional healers as part of his quest to understand trauma, mental wellbeing and healing in new ways, his deep questions and concerns for decolonized landscapes congealed into a life devoted to exploring the nuances of a “magical” world “too promiscuous to fit neatly into our fondest notions of it.” Now living between India and the United States, Bayo is a father of Alethea Aanya and Kyah Jayden Abayomi. He is married to EJ, his dear life-partner of Indian descent. In 2014, Dr. Akomolafe was invited to be the Special Envoy of the International Alliance for Localization, a project of Ancient Futures (USA). He left his lecturing position in Covenant University, Nigeria to help build this Alliance. Bayo has been Visiting Professor at Middlebury College, where he taught on his own formulated concepts of ‘transraciality’ and postactivism.

Dylan K HoffmanDylan Hoffman Ph.D., studied liberal arts at Georgetown University and psychology at Adelphi University before completing his Ph.D. in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute—concentrating in Jungian and Archetypal Studies. His work focuses on C. G. Jung’s theory of archetypes—on archetypes as the deepest nature of the psyche and how they interconnect spirit, psyche, and matter as numinous and mythic powers that animate, govern, and structure the cosmos as a whole. Dylan grounds his work in indigenous/shamanic perspectives and practices that provide a primordial, holistic, and sacred worldview within which to understand the archetypal psyche, to embody its wholeness individually, and to serve it culturally through creative imagination.

Susan RowlandSusan Rowland, Ph.D., is Core Faculty, and Advisor in Research and the Humanities in MA Depth Psychology and Creativity, as well as teaching in the Doctoral Program in Jungian and Archetypal Studies. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle and her MAs from the Universities of London and Oxford. In 2003 Susan became the first Chair of the International Association of Jungian Studies (IAJS). She is author of many studies of Jung, literary theory, the arts and gender including Jung: A Feminist Revision (2002), Jung as a Writer (2005), and also edited Psyche and the Arts (2008). Another recent book is C.G. Jung and the Humanities (2010), showing how Jung’s work is a response to the creative, psychological, spiritual, philosophical and ecological crises of our age. In 2012 her book, The Ecocritical Psyche: Literature, Complexity Evolution and Jung was published by Routledge, followed by Remembering Dionysus (2017) and Jungian Literary Criticism: the Essential Guide (2019). Particularly important is Susan’s exposition with Joel Weishaus in Jungian Arts-Based Research and the Nuclear Enchantment of New Mexico. Here Susan shows that depth psychology animates art into providing therapy with the world. Her own work in JABR is represented by her first mystery novel, The Sacred Well Murders (Chiron 2022). See her website: https://www.susanrowland-books.com/

Roland Palencia

Roland Palencia, MA, is a Professor at California State University Northridge’s (CSUN) -Tseng College in the Diverse Community Development Leadership MA program, and an award-winning filmmaker. He is the former Community Benefits Director and corporate trainer at L.A. Care Health Plan, the largest public health plan in the nation. He is also the former Executive Director of Clinica Monseñor Oscar A. Romero and Equality California, and former multi-County Regional Director at The California Endowment and Chief of Operations and Vice-President at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.

In 2001, he was honored as a “Local Hero” by KCET (PBS affiliate) and Union Bank of California. In the early 1980s, he became one of the founders and a pioneer of the blossoming LGBTQ Latine movement in the greater Los Angeles area, including co-founding Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos (GLLU) and VIVA!, a Queer Latine artist collective. Palencia has been featured in a number of books and publications such as Gay L.A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians” by Stuart Timmons and Lilian Faderman (2006). Central Americans in Los Angeles” by Rosamaria Segura (2010); and The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle” by Lilian Faderman (2015).

The 165-page Master thesis by David Guzman, M.A., (CSUN 2014) records Palencia’s life journey as a Guatemalan political refugee and community activist. His Executive Producer film credits include “TransVisible: Bamby Salcedos Story,” a documentary depicting the life and activism of the nationally renowned Trans Latina activist Bamby Salcedo,“UNIDAD: Gay & Lesbian Latinos Unidos,”  which chronicles the early 1980s queer Latino activism in Los Angeles, and “Art as Activism,” which depicts the history of Self-Help Graphics & Arts, the seminal East L.A. based arts organization founded in 1970. Palencia received a B.A. in History from UCLA and a Masters in Depth Psychology & Creativity – Arts & Humanities from Pacifica Graduate Institute based in Montecito, CA.

Andrea-Marie Stark is an intuitive practitioner rooted in Hakomi, Shamanic, Trauma, Depth, and Animal Assisted Therapies embracing the sacred feminine, eco-consciousness, intergenerational trauma, racial and ethnic equality, non-colonial attitudes, and indigenous wisdom traditions. Along with her partner Dr. Chris Tickner, she owns California Integrative Therapy in Pasadena CA. She also teaches workshops and long-term programs in Mystic Shamanism, tarot, energy work, and intuition. She is a dissertation student at Pacifica in the Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices track.

Dr. Thema Bryant Ph.D., is the 2023 President of the American Psychological Association. She completed her doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Duke University and her post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical Center’s Victims of Violence Program. Upon graduating, she became the Coordinator of the Princeton University SHARE Program, which provides intervention and prevention programming to combat sexual assault, sexual harassment, and harassment based on sexual orientation. She is currently a tenured professor of psychology in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University, where she directs the Culture and Trauma Research Laboratory. Her clinical and research interests center on interpersonal trauma and the societal trauma of oppression. She is a past president of the Society for the Psychology of Women and a past APA representative to the United Nations. Dr. Thema also served on the APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology and the Committee on Women in Psychology. The American Psychological Association honored her for Distinguished Early Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest in 2013. The Institute of Violence, Abuse and Trauma honored her with their media award for the film Psychology of Human Trafficking in 2016 and the Institute honored her with the Donald Fridley Memorial Award for excellence in mentoring in the field of trauma in 2018. The California Psychological Association honored her for Distinguished Scientific Achievement in Psychology in 2015. She is the editor of the APA text Multicultural Feminist Therapy: Helping Adolescent Girls of Color to Thrive.

Jemma ElliotJemma Elliot, M.A., LMFT, LPCC, is Department Co-Chair and Core Faculty for Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Counseling Psychology Department. She supports administrative, curricular, and developmental aspects of the MA and PsyD Counseling Psychology programs, teaches in the MA program, and is a passionate contributor to faculty governance. Jemma has a clinical focus on adoption and separation trauma, and has provided trainings and spoken on panels to advance the understanding of the needs of children and families on the adoption spectrum throughout California. She also has a special interest in working with PTSD from a depth psychological perspective, and in witnessing and hosting the extrasensory gifts and energetic awakenings that often arise in clients after traumatic experiences. Jemma is a Clinical Member of the California Association for Marriage and Family Therapists. She has a great love for the arts, and is a long-time advocate for farmed animal and greyhound rescue and rehabilitation.

Camille Jarmie HarrisCamille Jarmie Harris, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in private practice, as well as Core Faculty and Associate Chair in the Clinical Psychology program at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica in 2018 following a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology from Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling specializing in counseling with children and adolescents in 2011. Her clinical areas of expertise focus on supporting birthing families during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods, as well as early attachment, work with children and adolescents, and animal-assisted therapy through a depth orientation. Dr. Jarmie Harris’s areas of interest in research and scholarship also include the larger impact of society on individual wellbeing, best practices in psychotherapy with birthing families, children and adolescents, as well as eco-psychology, sustainability, and social justice.

Emily Lord-KambitschEmily Lord-Kambitsch, Ph.D., is Co-Chair and an Associate Core Faculty member of the Mythological Studies Program. A scholar, poet-storyteller, and native of Santa Barbara, her lifelong exploration of classical mythology is rooted in the study of Greek and Latin language and literature. After completing a BA in Classics at UCSB, Emily received a Master’s degree from the University of Oxford, where her thesis focused on the healing of grief in Roman stoicism, and where she worked as a research assistant for the Oxford Emotions Project, a cross-disciplinary study of definitions of emotions in ancient Greece.

Dick Russell is a nationally respected activist, environmentalist, and author of several New York Times bestsellers. He has published fifteen books on subjects ranging from natural history to the assassination of President Kennedy.  The second and third volumes of Russell’s monumental biography, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, are also scheduled to appear in 2023.  The first volume, “The Making of a Psychologist,” was published in 2013 and chronicled the early years of the pioneering founder of archetypal psychology. Russell is currently serving as a researcher and commentator for a 10-part podcast series about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, hosted by Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary.  He is the author of two ground-breaking books on the subject, including The Man Who Knew Too Much (1992 and 2003), hailed by Publisher’s Weekly as “a masterpiece of historical reconstruction.”  His 2005 book, On the Trail of the JFK Assassins, will appear in an updated edition in November 2023.  For the past three decades, the environment has been a primary focus of Russell’s magazine writing and personal activism, particularly the crisis impacting the world’s fisheries and oceans. Russell’s book Eye of the Whale (Simon & Schuster hard-cover; paperback edition by Island Press/Shearwater Books), follows the migration of the California gray whale from Mexico’s Baja peninsula all the way to northern Alaska and Russia.  According to L.A. Times’ reviewer Richard Ellis, this book “will change the way you think about the natural world.”  Eye of the Whale was named among the Best Books of 2001 by three major newspapers: the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He has been a guest on many national TV and radio programs, including the Joan Rivers Show and NBC Nightly News, and has been a guest lecturer at universities including Harvard and the University of California, at the National Arts Club, and elsewhere.  In earlier “incarnations,” Russell was a staff writer in the Hollywood Bureau of TV Guide Magazine (1977-79), and a staff reporter for Sports Illustrated (1969-70) in New York.

Janet Blaser (MA, MFT, Jungian Analyst, Sandplay Practitioner), is a Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumna, with a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology.  She is a certified Jungian Analyst member of the C. G. Jung Study Center of Southern California, where she has been a training analyst for five years and is currently serving as vice president. Janet has a private practice in Los Angeles, California. Her passion for Jungian psychology and Greek mythology has taken her to several Asklepian sanctuaries where she has immersed herself in the study of the ancient healing mysteries. She has written several articles published in the Journal for Sandplay Therapy, the most recent entitled:  The Asklepion:  Archetype of Sickness and Healing in Sandplay Therapy.

Registration Details

Weekend Conference Registration Fees

  • $125 Live Stream
  • $175.00 – Pacifica Student Rate
  • $200.00 – Pacifica Alumni, Full Time Students, & Senior Rate
  • $250.00 – General Rate
  • $30 Continuing Education Credit Fee (12 hours)

**CECs are only available for in-person conference attendees.**

Meal Registration Details

Meal Registration: includes Saturday breakfast, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday breakfast (4 Meals). Cost: $150

**On-campus meals on Saturday and Sunday are not included in the Conference Registration price, and need to be purchased separately.**

Upon check-in on campus, you will receive your purchased meal tickets. You will need to bring your meal ticket(s) with you to the Dining Hall and check-in at the table by the entrance before each meal.

Join us for other Journey Week Events

Community Wellness Day

A day of wellness that is free and open to the community

Wednesday, September 27th, 2023

Pacifica Ladera Lane Campus
10:00 a.m. 4:00 PM

Sign Up Today

PGIAA BEAM Career Fair 2023

 Bridging Education, Ambition and Meaningful Work (BEAM)

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

Pacifica Ladera Lane Campus
10:00 a.m. 4:00 PM

Learn More

General Information


Hosted at our Beautiful Ladera Lane Campus. Click here for directions to: 801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108


Cancellations 14 days or more prior to the program start date receive a 100% refund of program registrations. After 14 days, up to 7 days prior to the program start date, a 50% refund is available. For cancellations made less than 7 days of program start date, no refund is available.

For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.

Continuing Education Credit

This program meets qualifications for 12 hours of continuing education credit for Psychologists through the California Psychological Association (PAC014) Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Psychological Association to provide continuing education for psychologists.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.  Full attendance is required to receive a certificate.

This course meets the qualifications for 12 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.  Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (#60721) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.  Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.

For Registered Nurses through the California Board of Registered Nurses this conference meets qualifications of 12 hours of continuing education credit are available for RNs through the California Board of Registered Nurses (provider #CEP 7177).  Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.

Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs.  Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for each program and its content.  Full-day attendance is required to receive a certificate.

Continuing Education Goal.  Pacifica Graduate Institute is committed to offering continuing education courses to train LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs to treat any client in an ethically and clinically sound manner based upon current accepted standards of practice.  Course completion certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the training and upon participant’s submission of his or her completed evaluation.

CECs and Online Program Attendance: Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) must attend the following events live in person and sign in on the attendance sheet provided in order to receive CECs. Please make sure that your Zoom account name matches the name of the attendee requesting CECs.

CEC Sessions

Friday, September 29:

  • 7:00 – 9:30 PM – Archetypal Theater

Saturday, September 30:

  • 8:45 – 10:00 AM – General Session – Dr. Susan Rowland
  • 10:15 – 11:45 PM – Immersive Learning Session: Language as Trauma, Language as Healing: Decolonizing Depth Psychology by Retrieving the Soul’s Indigenous Ways of Speaking– Dylan Hoffman
  • 12:00 – 1:30 PM – Lunch & Learn with Dr. Thema Bryant, President, APA
  • 1:30 – 3:00 PM – Immersive Learning Session: Somatic-based Liberation and Healing Work with Children and Adolescents: Collaborations in Best Practices in the Consulting Room and the Commons – Camille Harris
  • 3:15 – 4:45 PM – Immersive Learning Session: Putting Down our Grain: Reflections on the Othering of the Mother – Jemma Elliott
  • 7:00 – 8:30 PM – Author Salon –The Life and Ideas of James Hillman: Volume III: Soul in the World with award-winning author Dick Russell and PGI Faculty, Dr. Dylan Hoffman

Sunday, October 1:

  • 9:30 – 11:00 AM –Workshop: Mythic Meditation – Labryinth Journey, Dr. Emily Chow-Kambitsch
  • 11:00 – Noon – Dreaming the Dream Onward – Closing Ceremony

Learning Objectives for CEC Attendees (12 Hours):

  1. Dr. Jaiya John – A Depth Psychological Role in Healing the World – Participants will be able to identify two ways in which a depth psychological orientation is beneficial in transforming trauma into generative psychological growth.
  2. Dr. Susan Rowland -Depth Psychology and Transdisciplinarity: Creativity for our Crisis – Participants will be able to explain two ways in which a creative, transdisciplinary orientation offers insights into the unconscious inluences of human behavior
  3. Dr. Dylan Hoffman – Decolonizing Depth Psychology by Retrieving the Soul’s Indigenous Ways of Speaking – Participants will be able to identify three ways in which a Western approach to the language of trauma can further perpetuate the wound and explain how decolonizing depth psychology’s language can open pathways to healing and psychological growth
  4. Dr. Thema Bryant –  Participants will be able to distinguish two ways in which trauma can be creatively worked with and integrated to offer a generative re-orientation to identity and self-hood.
  5. Camille Harris – Somatic-based Liberation and Healing Work with Children and Adolescents – Participants will be able to compare at least two approaches for somatic-based best practices in the consulting room in working with children and adolescents.
  6. Jemma Elliott – Putting Down our Grain: Reflections on the Othering of the Mother – Participants will be able to identify three ways in which the deepening of cultural patriarchal divides continues to contribute to the othering of the feminine and the psychological ramifications of this.
  7. Dick Russell/Dylan Hoffman – James Hillman – Soul in the World – Participants will be able to identify three key principles of scholar and clinician James Hillman relative to a soul-based approach to psychological practice.
  8. Dr. Emily Lord-Kambitsch – Mythic Meditation – Labryinth Journey – Participants will be able to identify and engage in a somatic based approach to exploring the ways in which somatic modalities can aid in the re-integration of unconscious stories that influence behavior.
  9. Dr. Leonie H. MattisonDreaming the Dream Onward – Participants will be able to identify two key principles in creatively re-integrating traumatic based experiences.

On-Campus Lodging Registration

We invite you to stay on our beautiful Ladera Lane campus for the conference weekend. The lodging options and prices are listed below. On-campus lodging is only available for Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30.

*Please note that lodging does not include meals, and if you are interested in dining on campus, a meal package must be purchased with your registration.*

Couple Room – Includes one standard full-size bed with a shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. $190/night.

Single Room (Second Floor, stairs only) – Includes one twin bed with a shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. No elevator access. $144/night

Double Room – Includes two twin beds and vanity with sink. Shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. $190/night

Semiprivate Suite Room – Includes one queen bed with a shared bath and shower, bed linens and towels are provided. $210/night

**Please note that if you are staying on campus, you can check-in any time after 3 PM on Friday, September 29th. If you arrive before 3 PM, there is a luggage storage room where you can keep your belongings until you can check into your room. We kindly ask that you check out of your room by 11 AM on Sunday, October 1.**