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M.A./Ph.D. Mythological Studies Admissions Webinar: Remythologizing to (Re)mediate Our Presents

April 15, 2025

Free | Offered Live via Zoom

Program Description

Join our M.A./Ph.D. Mythological Studies Admissions Webinar: Remythologizing to (Re)mediate Our Presents

Join us for an exclusive admissions webinar featuring Monica Mody, PhD, Co-Chair of Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Mythological Studies program.

In this 60-minute webinar, Dr. Mody will discuss how:

Even as our cultural and political narratives are being mythologized to build a normative present in which certain ways of being human are delegitimized, we can stand between the realms of the seen and the unseen to call upon and recover ways of mythologizing that disrupt orthodoxy and help us awaken authentic participation. Myths can be not only a way of knowing, they can also continuously shift us out of linear thinking into border realities, weaving ancestral and cultural memory outside patricolonial representations back into the contemporary world. This makes the task of remythologizing critical to a decolonial reconstruction of our presents.


Live Q&A and Discussion

Following the presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in a live Q &A and discussion with Dr. Mody.

Program Details


April 15, 2025 , 5-6pm PT

Registration Fees

  • Free

About the Teacher

Dr. Monica Mody is Assistant Professor and incoming Chair of the Mythological Studies MA/PhD Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her areas of specialization include decolonial, indigenous, and women of color paradigms and epistemologies; Anzaldúan frameworks; earth-sourced and feminist spirituality and ritual; poetry, divination, oracular speech, and arts-based research; and nondual embodiment, in conversation with ancestral lineages from South Asia. Her books include Wild Fin (Weavers Press, 2024), Bright Parallel (Copper Coin, 2023), and Kala Pani (1913 Press, 2013). Other creative and academic work have been widely published and presented in journals and edited books, at international and US-based conferences, and through invited talks. Her doctoral dissertation, on decolonial feminist consciousness in South Asian borderlands, was awarded the Kore Award for Best Dissertation in Women and Mythology conferred by the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology. She has further been a recipient of Cultural Integration Fellowship’s Integral Scholarship, the Sparks Prize Fellowship (Notre Dame), the Zora Neale Hurston Award (Naropa), and a TOTO Funds the Arts award. Dr. Mody is affiliated with the Doctoral Program in Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership at Southwestern College Santa Fe and with the Women’s Spirituality Program at California Institute of Integral Studies, and offers public classes at Morbid Anatomy. More at

General Information

Hosted Online

Registration Details

April 15, 2025

Number of Lectures: 1
Lecture Length: 1 hour
Lecture Time:5-6pm PT
CECs: 0
Category: Admissions Webinar

M.A./Ph.D. Counseling Psychology Admissions Webinar - Twinship in Mythology

May 15, 2025

Free | Offered Live via Zoom

Program Description

Join our M.A./Ph.D. Counseling Psychology Admissions Webinar – Twinship in Mythology

Join us for an exclusive admissions webinar featuring with Dr. Cris Scaglione and Dr. Whitney Dunbar.

Twinship myths from around the world address the dynamics of duality underlying the physical world, and key intrapsychic and interpersonal polarities and tensions. As with much of mythology, many twinship myths are teaching tales that offer solutions to ambivalence and conflict. Twins who do not resolve their differences perish. Those who do are often the creators and/or guardians of new civilizations or whole worlds/realms. Such twins are either divine, or they transcend their humanity to become divine. Through the “alchemy” of the resolution of duality, they attain a more complex, non-dual psychic structure and existence. At the very least, there are lessons in twinship myths relevant to Jungian shadow work and the dangers of othering aspects of ourselves and other people.

Live Q&A and Discussion

Following the presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in a live Q &A and discussion with Dr. Cris Scaglione and Dr. Whitney Dunbar.

Program Details


May 15, 2025, 5-6pm PT

Registration Fees

  • Free

About the Teachers

Dr. Cris Scaglione hails from Toronto, with mixed ethnic heritage, and has been a California native since 1971. First earning a bachelor’s in anthropology, she has a fascination with brain evolution and culture/mythology that informs her work as a clinical psychologist specializing in neuropsychology. Most of her clients deal with co-occurring physical and psychological struggles, and she actively supports multicultural wellness from a biopsychosocial perspective. In addition to private practice, and supervision, she has always enjoyed teaching. She has recently joined Pacifica Graduate Institute as a half-time core faculty in the Clinical Psychology department, and an adjunct faculty in Counseling Psychology.

Dr. Whitney Dunbar moved to the United States in 1995, she is originally from Montreal, Canada, and has been in California for the last 26 years. Dr. Dunbar has been deeply involved with Hospice of the Conejo since 2008 and still facilitates weekly loss and bereavement groups. She spent four years working with children and adults through community health, specializing in psychological assessment services. Dr. Dunbar has also worked in multidisciplinary mental health offices offering assessment, therapeutic services through TMS treatment, as well as PHP and IOP programs for teens and young adults. Dr. Dunbar approaches her work from a feminist perspective, empowering all individuals to seek their own way in their journey through life. She practices a client centered, empathetic approach while holding others in unconditional positive regard. In her role as Director of Clinical Training, she has the opportunity to realize a return on investment in working with students going into the field that far surpasses her serving individual clients.

General Information

Hosted Online

Registration Details

May 15, 2025

Number of Lectures: 1
Lecture Length: 1 hour
Lecture Time:5-6pm PT
CECs: 0
Category: Admissions Webinar