Wellness in the “Afternoon of Life”: A Depth Psychological Approach to Integrative Health
May 7, 2025 – July 9, 2025
Lifelong Learner Membership Rate: $876 | Offered Live via Zoom
Program Description
Wellness in the “Afternoon of Life”: A Depth Psychological Approach to Integrative Health
The challenges and inquiries of growing older do not have to be faced alone. While mainstream literature on aging has many helpful tips toward psychological, physical, and spiritual wellness, Depth Psychology offers a unique and comprehensive perspective on how the inner and outer worlds interact. Depth frameworks invite deep reflections on relationships with the larger community and what may be called for in these times of uncertainty and change. There is a calling for transdisciplinary perspectives and integrative approaches that can serve the whole person and the greater good in wellness contexts.
What does it mean to live a meaningful life? This is a question many ask in the aging process. Depth psychology and Jungian frameworks speak of the capacity to live symbolically rather than simply residing in the rational and literal. This online program blends education from the sciences with the deep and fascinating insights and contributions of what C. G. Jung called “the spirit of the depths” and turning toward the archetypal and imaginal aspects of internal life. Jung referred to the elder years as the “afternoon of life” and suggested ways this critical period could inspire a significant experience. The course instructors are authors, educators, clinicians, Pacifica Graduate Institute faculty members, and transformational leaders, recognized for depth and integrative frameworks that respect diversity and the value of knowledge across disciplines, including and transcending traditional ways. The modalities and experiential aspects covered in this certificate will be biopsychosocial-spiritual in nature. You will be keeping a journal focusing on dreams, somatic aspects of experience, synchronicities, and other personal reflections. There will be breakout groups with suggested exercises or discussion prompts during the online meetings.
This course is open to anyone who finds it of interest. Thus, no license or degree is required, and the course offerings will not apply toward a license or degree.
The certificate course will interest clinicians, coaches, caregivers, health and healing professionals, and lay people of any age who wish to deepen into depth principles and integrative approaches regarding later years of life. There will be a variety of readings, pre-recorded lectures, weekly reflections, and live videoconferencing sessions.
Program Format:
Each week, your learning will include the following:
- a 60-minute pre-recorded video presentation by the faculty member for that module
- a list of required or recommended readings/videos/resources
- an online discussion with the other participants and instructors, based on the responses you post each week to that week’s assignment; and
- a live 90-minute online session with the instructor of each module.
Live sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend a given week.
The instructors each cover a different perspective on Wellness in the “Afternoon of Life”: A Depth Psychological Approach to Integrative Health as described below.
Individual Sessions Descriptions:
Module 1: Orientation Faculty Panel +Foundations of Lifespan Development and the Creative Process – Main presentation by Dr. Victoria Stevens
There has been a major shift in the conceptualization of aging over the past 30-40 years, moving from a focus on problems to a focus on health and potential, specifically creative potential in older adults. Carl Jung was one of the first psychologists to articulate this idea as far back as 1930 in an essay called The Stages of Life, where he says that a human being would not live to old age if “this longevity had no meaning for the species…the afternoon of human life must also have a significance of its own.” (CW 8, para. 787)
This introductory module will provide an overview of developmental phases within the second half of life from the depth Jungian perspective, including aspects of spirituality, connection with the transpersonal self, and creativity. This will be linked with Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development and D.W. Winnicott’s theory of True and False Self. There will then be a focus on the specific developmental phases in the second half of life that promote positive change and creative expression as well as major mechanisms that are important in the context of creativity and aging as identified in creativity research. Finally, there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion along with creative writing exercises during the live session.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Understand Jung’s concept of developmental tasks at different stages in life, specifically regarding the second half of life including aspects of spirituality and connection with the transpersonal self.
- Identify four developmental phases in the second half of life that promote expanded capacity, positive change, and creative expression.
- Identify four major mechanisms that are important in the context of creativity and aging.
- Apply the concepts that are discussing to their own personal lives and their own work in any field.
Module 2: Facing the Shadow: The Role of the Individual and Community in the Aging Process – Dr. Heesun Kim
In this module, we will review the concept of shadow from the Jungian perspective and discuss how the shadow process in the later stage of life can contribute to healing individuals and communities. A case study from Jeju Island of South Korea will be presented, where approximately 30,000 innocent lives were lost by state violence from 1947 to 1954. A broader scope of healing intergenerational trauma through collective mourning will be examined through the stories of an art community of village grandmothers whose average age is 86. We will also explore our innate wisdom within the shadow materials and how to transform it into healing power.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe personal and collective shadows and their impact on individuals and communities.
- Explain how wisdom gained through life experience can contribute to healing collective trauma.
Module 3: Aging and the Body: Subtle and Material Considerations – Dr. Celeste Ryan
This class is an exploration of aging through the lens of the body, both subtle and physical considerations. We will look at the aging physical body and its impact on the ego and persona in coming to terms with the reality of loss of youth, loss of function, dependence and illness. Subtle body will be defined in its energetic and relational aspects. We will look at the inner work that needs to be done in relation to our complexes we have carried along through life. We will look at how those extend back intergenerationally, and the work we do in the later half of life alchemically transforms our original wounds and brings deeper meaning. We will discuss what is the legacy we leave behind.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the difference between the subtle body and the physical body.
- Identify tasks in aging with the body (physical and subtle).
Module 4: Plant Medicine & Nutrition for Wellness During Life’s Transitions- Dr. Leslie Korn
Explore practical approaches to using plants, foods entheogens and rituals to support physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual wellbeing during the aging process and at the end of life. Drawing on the Brainbow Blueprint
we will enter into Indigenous and biomedical science to understand how nature’s gifts and recipes enhance our personal wellbeing and as caregivers for others. We will address sleep, pain, anxiety depression cognitive function and more.
Learning Objectives:
- Define 3 specific challenges at the end of life
- Define how plant medicine can address sleep and anxiety
Module 5: Learning from Nature-Based & Indigenous Traditions: Ancestral & Intergenerational Loops – Dr. Arieahn Matamonasa-Bennett
Indigenous people of the world comprise 370 million people in 70-countries and are 5% of the global population. They are 15% of the poorest people in the world due to widespread colonization and genocide. Yet, these cultures, elders and the keepers of traditional ecological knowledge, ancient beliefs and traditions are still highly sought-out for deep-healing wisdom that is desperately needed today.
This session explores the diverse and rich perspectives on aging within Indigenous cultures around the world. Focusing on traditional knowledge, customs, and practices, participants will engage with the ways in which Indigenous communities honor, understand, and care for their elders. They will learn about the spiritual, cultural, and societal roles of older individuals, as well as how aging is intertwined with concepts of family, community, and the natural world.
Key themes include:
- Elder Wisdom and Cultural Preservation: Understanding the role of elders as knowledge keepers and cultural stewards in Indigenous communities.
- Intergenerational Relationships: Exploring the relationships between elders and younger generations, including teachings, caregiving, and storytelling.
- Spiritual and Holistic Approaches to Aging: How spiritual beliefs, ceremonies, and holistic practices influence the aging process in various Indigenous traditions.
- Elder Care and Social Responsibility: The community’s responsibility in caring for and supporting aging members, particularly in the face of contemporary challenges such as colonization and modernity.
- Rituals, Ceremonies, and the End of Life: A look at the ways aging and death are celebrated, ritualized, and respected in Indigenous cultures.
Learning Objectives:
Engage in Critical Reflection on Western vs. Indigenous Aging Frameworks
- Participants will critically reflect on the differences between Western models of aging and Indigenous perspectives, considering how each approach influences the lived experiences of older adults.
Module 6: Archetypes Embodied: The Alchemy of Consciousness & Wisdom of Dreams -Dr. Indhushree Rajan
When we speak of conscious creation, or the visioning and embodiment of who we are and how we create our lives, it becomes important to consider the role of intentionality, beliefs, and personal power. We are, to a great extent, the stories we tell ourselves and others. What of our stories about aging, purpose, and Self across the lifespan? Are we conscious of the narratives that impel us forward or keep us stagnant on our paths in life? This course will consider resistance to aging, conscious participation in and creation of aging, and the potential for change that exists in shifting archetypal energies around the aging process, so that we can move from a space of fear and limitation to empowerment, wisdom, and love. This course will also consider how culture shapes our sense of Self as we age, and the impact it has on our perceived limitations and distortions around the aging process.
Learning Objectives
1. Identify and separate from socio-cultural narratives, projections, and dominant archetypes that negatively impact aging and self-concept.
2. Identify personal self and aging narratives that negatively impact self-acceptance and create distortion around aging, towards the end of unraveling these narratives , and instead, engaging new perspectives, archetypal energies, and ideas impelling the creation of new self/aging narratives
Module 7: Interspirituality and Meditative Practices -Alejandra Warden
Jung tells us that the afternoon of life holds just as much meaning as the morning; only, its meaning and purpose are different. This is often a time of introspection, revision, and deep integration, allowing us to identify what truly matters. Reflection and contemplation play a larger role in our lives. While we may still seek guidance, many of us feel the need to find our own answers in our own way. This process includes discovering our personal values, meaning, purpose, and connecting with the transpersonal or spiritual aspect of ourselves. In late life, we often strive to express our unique spirituality—one that is meaningful and prepares us for the next transition: our passing. Carl Jung saw spirituality as vital for personal growth and achieving wholeness and fulfillment. While religions have traditionally been seen as separate, they have always been interconnected, evolving together over time. In today’s world, shaped by technology and cultural changes, spiritual traditions are more interconnected than ever before. Interspirituality is a reflection of this interconnection. Interspirituality emphasizes shared spiritual experiences—such as awakening and divine union—over doctrinal differences. It honors diverse spiritual and cultural identities and provides a framework for connecting with the sacred across all paths. This approach allows us to build our own spiritual path, drawing from one or more spiritual, religious, or secular wisdom traditions, and to align with our natural inclination for introspection and inner connection. This module will explore various ways we connect with our deepest selves and the sacred, such as through prayer, communing with nature, chanting, and quiet contemplation. It aims to guide you in developing, cultivating, and integrating your own unique meditative practice. As a mentor for the Spiritual Paths Institute and director of Charis Circles for the Charis Foundation for New Monasticism & Interspirituality, I will highlight the significance of being interspiritual and embracing an interspiritual path. The module will also explore meditative practices from these interspiritual organizations. During the live Q&A, you can expect experiential components, such as guided meditation, along with opportunities to share reflections and engage in thoughtful discussions.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain some of the main characteristics of interspirituality and discuss its significance in today’s world.
- Describe the purpose and benefits of meditation; reflect on some of the ways in which you connect with your innermost self or the sacred and how this may guide you in developing your own meditative practice.
Module 8: Elder Circles: Storytelling, Relationship, Reminiscence, Myth & the Multicultural Mosaic -Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Elder circles are gatherings of respected community elders who share wisdom, provide guidance, and uphold cultural traditions. These circles are found in Indigenous communities worldwide and serve as vital knowledge, healing, and decision-making sources. Stories are often used as lessons, emphasizing balance, respect, and responsibility. The storytelling process is interactive. Stories include memories from the elders and cultural myths that hold more significant teachings. Listeners are expected to reflect and draw meaning rather than be given direct answers. The approach is holistic and consensus-driven, aiming for harmony and long-term well-being. Stories and ceremonies in elder circles acknowledge ancestral presence, reinforcing that learning is never just from one person but from generations of knowledge. Some Indigenous cultures view ancestors as continuing to walk alongside the living. Circle listening is an act of respect and care. Deep listening strengthens relationships by showing that each person’s story and experience matter. Circles teach that relationships are not about quick fixes but understanding, patience, and growth. People are encouraged to speak when ready, without fear of being judged. Today, circles are used in restorative justice, intergenerational healing, and cultural revitalization. Many communities have revitalized circles to address trauma, colonial disruption, and disconnection from traditional ways. The principles of circles—deep listening, relational accountability, and storytelling as a teaching tool—are being incorporated into social work, education, and conflict resolution. Circles are not just an Indigenous tool; they are spreading across the multi-cultural landscape as a gift from the Indigenous world to planetary humans.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe reminiscence therapy and explain how it relates to storytelling.
- Describe how elder circles facilitate remembrance and recording of life stories.
Module 9: Cultivating Individuation in Collective Contexts: Does Forgiveness have a Role? -Kumu Ramsay Taum
Individuation is the process of cultivating a unique sense of personal identity and deepening self-awareness, which unfolds throughout life, even into older age, in a spiral-like progression. It involves integrating all aspects of oneself, including past experiences and what Jung refers to as “shadow aspects,” rather than denying or fixating on them. This journey requires self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of others, fostering acceptance of oneself and others. A key distinction in this process is learning to be centered in oneself—grounded and authentic—without becoming self-centered, which focuses solely on personal gain or ego. Group processes, such as those found in Hawaiian traditions, offer valuable insights into this balance. From a holistic perspective, such practices may even influence the immune system. In this recording, I will explore this process, provide a prompt for reflection, and include experiential components during the live Q&A session, where you can share your thoughts and engage in discussion.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe at least one way to cultivate forgiveness distinct from condoning.
- Explain how certain intergenerational group practices may assist in expanding the capacity for compassion.
Module 10: Cultivating Compassion & Curiosity During the “Afternoon of Life” -Dr. Nicholas S. Literski
This module explores the transformative power of compassion and curiosity in later life, both in our own aging process and in caregiving. By fostering self-compassion, we can reframe aging as a time of growth, wisdom, and possibility. Similarly, cultivating curiosity opens the door to new experiences, deeper relationships, and an enriched sense of meaning. Through discussion, reflection, and practical strategies, participants will develop a greater understanding of how these qualities can enhance their own perspectives on aging.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the role of self-compassion and curiosity toward the aging process.
- Describe the understanding of compassion and curiosity as applied to relationships with older adults.
Overall Course Learning Objectives:
- Identify key elements of lifespan development from a depth perspective.
- Apply compassion-based practice in the context of aging.
- Describe at least three distinct benefits of body-oriented therapeutic approaches in aging.
- Identify archetypal elements in working with dreams and the aging process.
- Apply at least one nature-based practice for working with aging.
- Describe how storytelling and myth impact relationships while shared in group contexts.
- Identify how shadow aspects impact individual individuation and collective processes.
- Apply at least one self-reflective practice about aging from a depth perspective.
- Describe how nature-based and indigenous traditions may inform intergenerational patterns and the role of the elder.
- Identify at least two diverse belief systems on aging, including one’s background and orientation.
Career Competencies
The course Wellness in the “Afternoon of Life”: A Depth Psychological Approach to Integrative Health offered by Pacifica Graduate Institute provides the following career competencies:
- Lifespan Development Knowledge: Understanding theoretical frameworks and practical applications of integrative depth work in the context of aging.
- Skills in Therapeutic Orientation: Developing skills focused on incorporating depth psychological and integrative frameworks toward healing, including, but not limited to, somatic, eco-therapeutic, and analytic approaches.
- Transdisciplinary Perspective: Blending knowledge from foundational depth psychological literature and practice with approaches that include and transcend traditional frameworks, offering global and holistic perspectives.
- Community Connections: Skills in cultivating compassionate community-based approaches to biopsychosocial-spiritual well-being in the context of aging.
Week 1: Zoom Session – Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 2: Zoom Session – Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 3: Zoom Session – Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 4: Zoom Session – Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 5: Zoom Session – Wednesday, June 4, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 6: Zoom Session – Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 7: Zoom Session – Wednesday, June 18, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 8: Zoom Session – Wednesday, June 25, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 9: Zoom Session – Wednesday, July 2, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
Week 10: Zoom Session – Wednesday, July 9, 2025, 5 – 6:30 pm PT
All of the live Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to everyone registered for the program.
Required and Recommended Readings:
Week 1: Depth Foundations of Lifespan Development and the Creative Process- Dr. Victoria Stevens
Required Readings:
Morbach, A., Pedroso, J. (2022). The stages of life in a Jungian perspective: A photo elicitation case study. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology. Online First (16-34).
The Stages of Life in the Jungian Perspective
Cohen, G. (2006). Research on creativity and aging: The positive impact of the arts on health and illness. Aging and the Arts, Generations, 30(1) (7-15).
The Positive Impact of the Arts on Health and Illness
Recommended Readings:
Hollis, J. (2006). Finding meaning in the second half of life: How to finally, really grow up. Avery Publishing.
Sawin, L., Corbett, L., Carbine, M. Eds. (2014). C. G. Jung and aging: Possibilities and potentials for the second half of life. Spring Journal Inc.
Lindauer, M. (2003). Aging, creativity and art: A positive perspective on late-life development. Springer.
Week 2: Facing the Shadow: The Role of the Individual and Community in the Aging Process – Dr. Heesun Kim
Required Readings:
Stein, M. (1998). Jung’s map of the soul: An introduction , chapter 5 (105-124 p), Open Court.
Recommended Readings:
Perry, C., Tower, R. (Eds.) (2023). Jung’s shadow concept: The hidden light and darkness within ourselves, Routledge.
Week 3: Aging and the Body: Subtle and Material Considerations – Dr. Celeste Ryan
Required Readings:
Zweig, C. (2021) The inner work of age: Shifting from role to soul. Mortality awareness: Portal to presence. pp.58-67.
Zweig, C. (2021) The inner work of age: Shifting from role to soul. Chapter 7: Emotional and creative repair to release the past and live in the present. pp. 190-217.
Recommended Readings:
Schwartz-Salant, N. (1998) – The Mystery of Human Relationship: Alchemy and the transformation of the self. The clash of alchemical and scientific thinking. pp.10-26.
Week 4: Plant Medicine & Nutrition for Wellness During Life’s Transitions – Dr. Leslie Korn
Required Readings:
Guided Visualization and Palpation for Digestion handout (available on the online learning platform)
Brainbow Psychedelic Assessment (available on the online learning platform)
Chapter 1- Natural Woman (available on the online learning platform)
Healthy Recipes to replace Ensure (available on the online learning platform)
Recommended Readings:
Bremner, M. S., (2022). Hermetic philosophy and creative alchemy: The emerald tablet, the corpus hermeticum, and the journey through the seven spheres. Inner Traditions.
Bremner, M. S., (2023). The hermetic marriage of art and alchemy: Imagination, creativity, and the great work. Inner Traditions.
Bremner, M. S. The Death of the Profane
Crones Ceremony & Caregiver resilience Smoothie Café de Capomo handout (available on the online learning platform)
Selected References (Attached)
Week 5: Learning from Nature-Based & Indigenous Traditions: Ancestral & Intergenerational Loops – Dr. Arieahn Matamonasa-Bennett
Required Readings:
McNally, M.D. (2009). Honoring Elders: Aging Authority, and Ojibwe Religion. Columbia University Press.
Link to purchase the book: Honoring Elders | Columbia University Press
Recommended Readings:
Quigley R, Russell SG, Larkins S, Taylor S, Sagigi B, Strivens E, Redman-MacLaren M. Aging Well for Indigenous Peoples: A Scoping Review. Front Public Health. 2022 Feb 10;10:780898. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.780898. PMID: 35223727; PMCID: PMC8866315.
This research article is a synopsis (meta-analysis) of 32 articles on Indigenous perspectives on aging .We will be covering the Synthesis of Finding and the main concepts in Figure 2 in our discussions.
Week 6: Archetypes Embodied: The Alchemy of Consciousness & Wisdom of Dreams -Dr. Indhushree Rajan
Required Readings:
Zweig, C. (2021). The inner work of age: Shifting from role to soul. Park Street Press. Chapters 1-3; 6-12.
Recommended Readings:
Miller, S. & Zalman-Schachter, S. (1995). From age-ing to sage-ing: A revolutionary approach to growing older. Balance.
Pevny, R. (2014). Conscious living, conscious aging: Claiming the gifts of elderhood. Atria Books/Beyond Words.
Week 7: Interspirituality and Meditative Practices -Alejandra Warden
Required Readings:
McEntee, R., Myles-Yepez, N., Salgado, B., Warden, A., Wright, M. (2023) The shared sacred story of interspirituality. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, Forthcoming.
Southard, M. E., (2020). “Spirituality: The missing link in wholistic health care.” Journal of Holistic Nursing, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0898010119880361
Bastian, E. “For Many, One Grows: Introducing Interspiritual Meditation.” Seattle University: The Interfaith Observer, Fall 2023, http://www.theinterfaithobserver.org/journal-articles/2013/10/15/introducing-interspiritual-meditation.html-amh9d
Keating, T. (2010) “The Spirit of Interreligious Dialogue.” YouTube, uploaded by Contemplative Outreach, www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0QKupTCWMA&t=5s
Required Practice after watching the prerecorded lecture and before the live session: (Please practice one of these two interspiritual meditations before the live session.)
Bastian, E. (2002). “Interspiritual meditation, guided meditation: 10 minutes intro, male voice & waves.” Spiritual Paths Institute, https://spiritualpaths.net/guided-meditations/
Miles-Yepes, N., McEntee, R. (2015). “Charis Meditation: An Interspiritual meditation practice.” Charis Foundation for New Monasticism and Interspirituality, https://charisinterspirituality.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Charis-Meditation.pdf
Recommended Readings:
Teasdale, W. (1999). The mystic heart, discovering a universal spirituality in the world’s religions. New World Library.
Hollywood, A. (2010). “Spiritual but not religious: The vital interplay between submission and freedom.” Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Winter/Spring 2010, https://bulletin.hds.harvard.edu/spiritual-but-not-religious/#:~:text=Most%20of%20us%20who%20write,without%20feeling%2C%20at%20worst%20insincere
Warden, A. (2022). Remembrance: A vision of the sacred feminine and the renewal of the earth. Albion Andalus.
For more on interspiritual meditation, visit www.spiritualpaths.net
For additional information regarding various aspects of interspiritual work, visit https://charisinterspirituality.org/
Week 8: Elder Circles : Storytelling, Relationship, Reminiscence, Myth & the Multicultural Mosaic- Dr. Lewis Mehl Madrona
Required Readings:
(all free on https://scholar.google.com)
Mao, Qian, Zhen Zhao, Lisha Yu, Yang Zhao, and Hailiang Wang. “The effects of virtual reality–based reminiscence therapies for older adults with cognitive impairment: Systematic review.” Journal of medical Internet research 26 (2024): e53348.
Liu, Yunhan, Chenqi Zhang, Jianan Zhao, and Ting Han. “The effect of a reminiscence therapy-based hybrid board game on anxiety and loneliness levels in older adults: An experimental study.” Games for Health Journal 13, no. 2 (2024): 120-127.
Khan, Arshia, Alex Bleth, Marat Bakpayev, and Nabiha Imtiaz. “Reminiscence therapy in the treatment of depression in the elderly: current perspectives.” Journal of Ageing and Longevity 2, no. 1 (2022): 34-48.
Recommended Readings:
Mehl-Madrona, L. (2015).Healing the Mind through the Power of Story: The promise of narrative psychiatry. InnerTraditions.
Week 9: – Cultivating Individuation in Collective Contexts: Does Forgiveness have a Role? -Kumu Ramsay Taum
Required Readings:
Christiano, V. and Smarandache, F. (2020). A review on how an ancient forgiveness way called Ho’oponopono can boost human health and immune system, EC Neurology, 12.6, 64-69.
Dunlap, P. (2017). How do we transform our large-group identities?, Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies, 12 (1), 126-149.
Recommended Readings:
Stein, M. (1998). Jung’s map of the soul. Open Court.
Week 10: Cultivating Compassion & Curiosity During the “Afternoon of Life” –Dr. Nicholas S. Literski
Required Readings:
Baker, B. & Wheelwright, J. (1982) Analysis with the aged. In Stein, M. (Ed.), Jungian analysis (pp. 256-274). Open Court.
Capps, D. (2012). Child’s play: The creativity of older adults. Journal of Religion and Health, 51(3), 630-650.
Zweig, C. (2021). The inner work of age: Shifting from role to soul. Park Street Press. (pp. 151-171)
Program Details
May 7, 2025 – July 9, 2025, 5-6:30pm PT
Teachers: 10 teachers
Certificate course with: Dr. Victoria Stevens, Dr. Heesun Kim, Dr. Celeste Ryan, Dr. Leslie Korn,
Dr. Arieahn Matamonasa-Bennett, Dr. Indhushree Rajan, Alejandra Warden,
Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Kumu Ramsay Taum, Dr. Nicholas S. Literski
Access to D2L and course materials will be provided by April 30, 2025.
International participation is encouraged and welcome
Registration Fees
$1095. – General Rate
$930.75 – Pacifica Alumni, & Senior Rate
$ 876. – Lifelong Learner Membership Rate
$657. – PGI Extension Student Rate
$30. – Continuing Education Credits ( CEC Hours)
Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) must attend all of the live Zoom sessions in order to receive CECs. Please make sure that your Zoom account name matches the name of the attendee requesting CECs as we will be verifying attendance.
You have the option of putting down a 50% deposit when registering for the program and paying the remaining balance in installments of your choice until June 4, 2025. You can select this on the registration form.
Limited scholarship and reduced tuition opportunities are available for this program. You can fill out a scholarship application form here. The deadline for scholarship applications is April 21, 2025.
All of the live Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to everyone registered for the program. If you watch the recordings and keep up with the online discussion forum you will qualify for the certificate of completion. Live attendance to the Zoom sessions is not necessary unless you are looking to obtain Continuing Education Credits.
Membership Pricing
As a Member of our Pacifica Degree Student Membership program, you can receive 40% off of the General Rate for this program! To register and receive your special member-only, code please click here.
(Please note that the Pacifica Degree Student Membership program is only for current students at Pacifica Graduate Institute enrolled in a full-time degree program).
As a Member of Our Lifelong Learner Membership program, you can receive 20% off of the General Rate for this program! To register and receive your special member-only code, please click here.
Student Members and Lifelong Learner Members can input their member-only code in the DISCOUNT CODE box on the registration form to receive their membership pricing.
About the Teachers
Victoria Stevens, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and IPA certified psychoanalyst, as well as a classically trained professional cellist, singer, dancer and actor. She is an associate professor and core faculty for the Depth Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices PhD Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, adjunct faculty for the Trauma Specialization Master’s in Clinical Psychology Program at Antioch University Los Angeles, and the Clinical Psychology Program at Antioch University at Santa Barbara where she created and is founding faculty for the Somatic Psychotherapy Certification Program with a focus on Trauma Treatment. She is on the faculty of the Occupational Studies Program in Mind-Body Psychology at HMI College of Hypnotherapy, a founding faculty member of the California Institute of the Arts Teaching Artist Training Program, and a clinical psychologist at the Sage Center for Gifted in Colorado and California, providing psychotherapy for gifted and twice-exceptional children, and educational curricula and support for students, teachers, and parents. She holds a BA with honors in philosophy, cello and theatre from the University of Kansas, an MA and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and specialized certifications in Hypnosis and the Treatment of Victims and Perpetrators of Violent Crimes. Her psychoanalytic certification is from the Psychoanalytic Center of California, mentored and supervised by James Grotstein, she studied logotherapy and trauma with Viktor Frankl, and she studied interpersonal affective neurobiology with Allan Schore for over ten years. Her research specialty is the study of the development and inhibition of creativity in children and adults, with an emphasis on the relationship between creative thinking, neurobiology, emotional development, trauma, and affect regulation. She brings this to her training with current and future therapists, teaching holistic interdisciplinary theories and techniques that connect Somatic, Psychoanalytic, Cognitive, Existential, Humanistic, Relational, Gestalt, Expressive Arts, Cultural, Transpersonal, and Spiritual modalities, particularly in relation to psychotherapy for trauma survivors. She also integrates her artistic experience with her expertise in psychology and pedagogical theory to develop innovative trauma-informed arts education curricula and assessments, teacher training programs and trainings for those who work with veterans, foster children, gifted, twiceexceptional, and “at-risk” youth.
Heesun Kim (she/her), PhD, LCSW, SEP, is a psychotherapist and a Somatic Experiencing (SE) Trauma practitioner in private practice. She is a visiting researcher at the Research Institute for the Tamla Culture and an adjunct faculty at Jeju National University in South Korea. Heesun Kim received a Ph.D. in Depth Psychology from the Pacifica Graduate Institute in CA. Her doctoral dissertation, ‘Jeju Shamanism: Healing Intergenerational Trauma through Collective Mourning,’ was based on two years of fieldwork conducted on Jeju Island, where she interviewed shamans and survivors of the Jeju 4.3 massacre. Her research was also supported by a 2021-2022 Fulbright Independent Research Grant, where she began developing a feature-length documentary with filmmaker Grant Hyun based on her work.
Dr. Celeste Ryan is a licensed clinical psychologist and a Jungian analyst practicing in South Los Angeles, serving a diverse community. Before retiring from 26 years of county service in 2018, she worked for the Department of Mental Health in their Juvenile Justice Mental Health program, and before that as the clinical director of the county’s substance treatment center in Acton. She also has prior experience working in the private sector in substance treatment. Her prior career of 18 1/2 years in law enforcement with the County of Los Angeles speaks to the diversity of her experience and growth towards public service, with understanding of how we get to where we are. Her interests and training encompass trauma, complex trauma, and cultural/intergenerational complexes. Celeste’s work is an interweaving of depth psychology and a somatic approach, as a Somatic Experiencing practitioner. Her perspective is that the unconscious can emerge along an inseparable continuum, through image as well as through the body, as well as through the collective. When she is not working in her private practice she enjoys hiking with her husband, and their dog in the foothills of Los Angeles, and native plant gardening.
Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, specializes in the use of integrative medicine and the treatment of stress, trauma, cognitive function and chronic physical illness. She has been in clinical practice for over 40 years. She began her training over 45 years ago in the jungle of Mexico and completed it in the “jungle” at Harvard Medical school in the departments of psychiatry and public health
Arieahn Matamonasa-Bennett, PhD. is a cross-culturally trained healer and teacher. She completed her MA and PhD. in Clinical Psychology at Fielding Graduate University and is a licensed psychologist. She is an Associate Dean and Professor with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies at DePaul University, where she has taught for the past two decades.
She has widely published and taught in multidisciplinary research areas: cross-cultural, ethnic minority, and Indigenous psychology, women’s psychology and the history, science and psychology of human-animal relationships. In addition to teaching, writing and research, she maintains a small private practice on her horse farm which incorporates equine-assisted psychotherapy and experiential learning in nature as a part of holistic therapeutic practice.
Dr. Indhushree Rajan is a licensed psychologist (PSY 30808), relationship and life coach. She is also the founder and CEO of The Conscious Life Psychological Services, based in Los Angeles and Orange County, CA. As an educator, counselor, and advocate in the nonprofit sector and at-risk/alternative education system, Dr. Rajan spent over 25 years working with child, adolescent, and adult survivors of complex trauma (physical, sexual, medical, and psychological). In clinical settings, she has done therapy and assessment work with survivors of complex trauma for 16 years. In addition, Dr. Rajan enjoys working with a diverse spectrum of clients of different ages and backgrounds, presenting with a wide range of clinical issues including: acute anxiety, depression, PTSD, personality disorders, and learning disabilities. Her extensive experience includes: working with the LGBTQIA+ community, artists, a wide range of people in the entertainment industry, people facing career or other life transitions, couples and individuals seeking help with dating and relationship issues, sexual issues, or problems stemming from divorce, and immigrant/first generation individuals and couples working through cultural assimilation and identity issues, as well as seniors facing life transition, aging and end of life issues. Dr. Rajan has also been a faculty member in the Clinical and Depth Psychology doctoral programs at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, CA., since 2018. Dr. Rajan is also an internationally published author and public speaker, who has written and spoken extensively on topics including: human trafficking, modern-day sexual slavery and forced prostitution, immigration and refugee trauma, feminism, post-coloniality, social justice, pop culture/entertainment industry, indigenous rights, depth-oriented research, medical trauma, end of life issues, and cultural issues in therapy and research. Dr. Rajan is currently preparing for the release of her book, Authentic: The Art of Conscious, Empowered Living,” due to be out later this year.
Alejandra Warden is an educator, counselor, international speaker, spiritual guide, and author dedicated to cultivating a deep consciousness of oneness. Rooted in the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine and Sufism, her teachings also integrate her Catholic upbringing in Argentina, offering a natural, interspiritual approach to transformation. Alejandra specializes in meditative and contemplative practices, as well as the interpretation of dreams and spiritual experiences. She serves as an interspiritual mentor and trainer for the Spiritual Paths Institute and is the Director of Charis Circles of interspiritual practice for the Charis Foundation for New Monasticism & Interspirituality. Remembrance: A Vision of the Sacred Feminine and the Renewal of the Earth and El Llamado de mi Corazon are two of her published works. She lives in Washington State with her family.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine and trained in family medicine, psychiatry, and clinical psychology. He completed his residencies at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. He has been on the faculties of several medical schools, most recently as associate clinical professor of family medicine at the University of New England. He has worked with Indigenous communities to explore how to bring their culture and healing traditions into health care. He is interested in what Indigenous cultures and practices can bring to contemporary medicine and psychology.
Dr. Mehl-Medrona is the author of Coyote Medicine, Coyote Healing, and Coyote Wisdom, a trilogy of books on storytelling and traditional healing as it intersects with modernity. He has also written Narrative Medicine, Healing the Mind through the Power of Story: the Promise of Narrative Psychiatry, and his most recent book with Barbara Mainguy, Remapping Your Mind: the Neuroscience of Self-Transformation through Story.
Dr. Mehl-Medrona currently works as a residency faculty and attending physician at Northern Light Acadia Hospital and with the Family Medicine Residency at Eastern Maine Medical Center. He is also Founder, Executive Director, and Board Chair for the Coyote Institute for Studies of Change and Transformation. He produces a podcast called “Howling Coyote”- available on iTunes, Spotify and YouTube.
Dr. Mehl-Medrona has studied traditional healing and healers since his early days and has written about their work and healing process. He aims to bring healing back into mainstream medicine and transform medicine and psychology through Indigenous wisdom coupled with dialogical and narrative traditions. He has written scientific papers in these areas and continues to do research. His current research interests center around resilience in the lifespan.
Kumu Ramsay Taum is the founder and president of the Hawaii-based Life Enhancement Institute (LEI) of the Pacific LLC, Director of the Pacific Islands Leadership Institute (PILI) at Hawaii Pacific University, and Cultural Sustainability Planner at PBR HAWAII and Associates. His eclectic background and experience in business, government, and community service make him a valuable asset in both public and private sectors, as well as for-profit and non-profit businesses. His work promoting sustainable, place-based, and Hawaiian cultural stewardship principles and practices is acknowledged locally, nationally, and internationally. Ramsay is a recognized cultural resource and is sought after as a keynote speaker, lecturer, trainer, and facilitator. Trained by respected Hawaiian elders, he effectively integrates place-based, cultural-based, indigenous, and Native Hawaiian cultural values and principles into contemporary business. Kumu Ramsay is helping us integrate Traditional Hawaiian philosophy and practices into our programs.
Nicholas S. Literski, JD, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Depth Psychology and Creativity program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and Senior Adjunct Lecturer in Psychology at the California Institute for Integral Studies. Nick has published and presented in numerous venues, specializing in Jungian depth psychology, spirituality, magic, and LGBTQ+ studies
General Information
Location: Hosted Online
Cancellations 14 days or more prior to the program start date receive a 100% refund of program registrations. After 14 days, up to 7 days prior to the program start date, a 50% refund is available. For cancellations made less than 7 days of program start date, no refund is available.
For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.
Continuing Education Credit
This program meets qualifications for 10 hours of continuing education credit for Psychologists through the California Psychological Association (PAC014) Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Psychological Association to provide continuing education for psychologists. Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Full attendance is required to receive a certificate.
This course meets the qualifications for 10 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (#60721) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.
For Registered Nurses through the California Board of Registered Nurses this conference meets qualifications of 10 hours of continuing education credit are available for RNs through the California Board of Registered Nurses (provider #CEP 7177). Full attendance is required to obtain a certificate.
Pacifica Graduate Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Pacifica Graduate Institute maintains responsibility for each program and its content. Full day attendance is required to receive a certificate.
Continuing Education Goal. Pacifica Graduate Institute is committed to offering continuing education courses to train LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs to treat any client in an ethically and clinically sound manner based upon current accepted standards of practice. Course completion certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the training and upon participant’s submission of his or her completed evaluation.
CECs and Online Program Attendance: Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for Online programs must attend all live sessions (offered via Zoom) in order to receive CECs. Please make sure that your Zoom account name matches the name of the attendee requesting CECs.
For additional information, including travel, cancellation policy, and disability services please visit our general information section.
Registration Details
May 7, 2025 – July 9, 2025
- Number of Classes: 10 Classes
- Class Length: 1 ½ hours
- Class Time: 5pm – 6:30pm PT. All Sessions are Pacific Time
- CECs: 10
Participants requesting Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for Online programs must attend all live sessions (offered via Zoom) in order to receive CECs. Please make sure that your Zoom account name matches the name of the attendee requesting CECs.
All of the live Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to everyone registered for the program. If you watch the recordings and keep up with the online discussion forum you will qualify for the certificate of completion. Live attendance to the Zoom sessions is not necessary unless you are looking to obtain Continuing Education Credits.